Aldo Kelrast

"Six years of jokes about how quickly this will be cancelled!"

I hope to god she pronounces it "CARE-vur."

For the last time, "2 Legit 2 Quit" is not a leitmotif!

So apparently I'm screwing that up, too. No wonder I can't get a second date.

If only there were some other option. If only any interesting thing had ever happened in this entire fictional universe in which members of the Skywalker family weren't directly involved.

If he wants to be a musician so bad get him a blue trunk and let him play Young Max Rebo.

I'm building a Millennial Falcon, but it's taking forever because I just keep fucking around on Twitter.

2R 2D2

Gaby Espino: *****
Marco Rubio *1/2

I mean, there's a rope and everything.

Sand was soft once, and kept mostly to itself. That was before the Dark Times.

You just shit off the back, like a clipper ship.

Executive One: "The new Batman is tired. He's weary. The story is d… It's da… gri…
 *sweat begins to bead on Executive one's forehead*
It's… grit… gr. grrrr,,,
*sways visibly*

Living as I do below sea level on the Gulf coast, as I nervously eye the spaghetti plots from June until November to see if I have to flee all of my possessions (again) to save my life, I often fantasize about moving somewhere of higher elevation where nature would be less of a menace to my health and sanity. But

Bah. Same as the old dick.

It only takes one pebble to start an avalanche, Julius.

I find 311, well, I mean they're not bad as terrorism and mass killing, but, man, that band really sucked, you know?

I remember Ed Asner and Martin Sheen being entertaining on occasion, so I'm wondering who the other 7 are.

Step Up 2 A Direct-2-0N-D3m4nd Re1ease!
