Aldo Kelrast

Hi. I'm Aldo. I stopped posting here years ago, around the time of the Dissolve exodus. I went and found my login because this Dennis DiClaudio just wrote 140 words about Brian Wilson and never used the word "genius" once, a feat that hasn't occurred in at least 25 years. Kudos to you, kid.

This article is so fucking bad that, if it were about Drew Brees I would think I was on Bleacher Report. This is television criticism from the perspective of someone who's never seen a cathode ray tube. I've avoided registering on Dissolve because their site design reminds me of a tire fire, but I think I need a break

Who exactly are the characters on this show like? Because they sure as hell aren't like.. say… smart people, scientists, science fiction fans, or anything else this show holds them up to be. Were you that desperate to get your swipe in at the hipsters who only deign to watch single-camera sitcoms from their dodo-skin

That's what Steve Buscemi thought.

@avclub-35209f041aca848f4c90c6a0d0fcb97e:disqus I approve of "lascivious" as an adjective describing your corporeality. I was getting falstaffian of late, but I've been riding my bike a lot this summer.

They'll love you a long time… weirdly?

Last year they finally shut down the last Navy base in the city proper and are turning it into condos for the new money. If realistic, this will be NCIS: The Other Side of the River From What Most People Think of as New Orleans.

You're just confused because M.I.A. has been penciled in next to "coach" on most team materials since 2001.

The original New Orleans crossover is: generous, generous tax breaks for all!



Well, I want to have sex with the Aztec while the station wagon watches, but I'm not wierd enough to go telling people that.

As of the second episode the creepiest relationship would probably be main lady/Clancy Brown, but that's still only emotional incest. Still, they did introduce main lady's sister this episode, so there's something for you creeps to run with.

Lyrics like that are something I used to be able to overlook. I would have really really liked this band 15 years ago, but I just can't do it now.

Yeah, I made the second cut, but I think I tried to overcome my natural reticence by making BIG CONSTANT EYE CONTACT and basically shouting the whole time, and they might have thought me a bit of a psychotic.

This show is going to be Supernatural with less uncomfortable erotic fan fiction.

The Sean O'Neal/AS production internet hookup has been a gift from the god that only weak-minded inferior sheeple believe in.

You and I are very different people.

The highlands and the far north—The Caithness—where the trees thin out, are pretty great. We were planning to only do a driving/bus trip through England and Ireland, and a coworker of Mrs. Kelrast really arm-twisted her to add Scotland. We wound up liking it the best of the three. The food's god-awful, though.

We're all going to make that awful-looking movie with Joseph Gordon-Levitt sound more appealing by mashing it up with this one in our heads, right?