Aldo Kelrast

Fuck it all and fuck a fucking brat.

I assume that the Times Lifestyle section is subsidized by the mayor's office, NYU, and some real estate brokers to perpetuate the illusion that life in New York is worth the premium you pay for it.

Alright, AV Club. We already have the NY Times to report on stupid Brooklyn fads like they matter to anyone without a trust fund. Chill.

Why would anybody want to make music that people like, grandpa? LLLAAAAME!

Where's this robot whorehouse now?

You're not going to like it when that happens, I assure you.

I hardly think that an appreciation of Neurosis or Jawbox indicates any sort of specious punk puritanism. Pavement was a good band, but I don't think they fit under the rubric that ties the bands under discussion together. You could, in 1992, see most of the bands mentioned here in a basement in your crappy hometown

All False POPES and antiCHRISTS my bringing to heel. REVEAL the 6TH HOLOGRAM PROTOCOL!!! TURD-licking slave of $atan bring anti-LIGHT 666 equation against the Servants of LORD! Why is Pope FRAN$ATAN hiding the holographic TURTH? ABJURE in the name of LORD. Wear PEPPERMINT oil. Bring back WINGS.

You may find yourself, standing on stage with the hologram of a dead rapper.
You may think to yourself, this is not Ol' Dirty Bastard!
You may think to yourself, my god, what have they done!

I swear to god that, when they were shooting down here, the price of reefer made a noticeable increase.

"Kumbaya" is just a punchline. I've never in my life heard it sung sincerely or as anything other than a punch at hippyish idealism. It's like mimes. Apparently everyone in bad comedies and commercials has had it up to here with these mimes, but I myself have actually never seen someone do a mime act in real life.

Language is fun.

Art Modell? Satan.

They've starting dumping these new Oz projects on Friday afternoons, like the admission that your Chief of Staff was caught with a 13-year-old transsexual hooker.

"I am tired of these motherfucking sex parasites in my motherfucking… Oh shit, I've got a tee time in 15. Get the rest in post. Later!"



Isn't that the movie about Ska aficionados?

No, no, you should wait for the remake. It will probably have a better cast.

-The Original Cast of the 2002 Los Angeles Production of Jesus Christ Superstar
-The Engines of 7 AMC Gremlins Being Precisely Revved to Produce the Approximation of Harmony
-James Franco in the Character of Alien
-James Franco in the Character of Sylvester Stallone in the Character of Nick Martinelli from Rhinestone