"'Twas beauty that killed the beast?"
"'Twas beauty that killed the beast?"
But she did some charity work. SOME CHARITY WORK!!!
I maintain that If on a Winter's Night a Traveler is the worst Choose Your Own Adventure book ever.
The best ending involves meeting the Sheik of Urbooti and his six sons, who are also sheiks.
I remember that one! It was more of a Cold War espionage plot than sci fi. If you let the computer become a robot, it killed you, or took over the world or something. I often have to subtract my birth year from the current one to remember how old I am.
"I'm M. Knight Shamerlayne, and I wrote this comment…
You seem to be under the impression that Apple does anything other than slap a proprietary interface onto somebody else's idea.
Dan? Dan!
And dragons and lesbian whores.
Seriously? Let me help you figure this out. One is a pitch-black examination of the inextricable mix of good and evil in the human character. The other is interested in similar themes… and dragons and lesbian whores.
Guns all the way down.
Fade In:
You know. In 2013 I'm a tall, doughy guy with average looks. 60 years ago, I'm a superhero.
He's got the Michael Shannon crazy eye.
It's good to see that Joshua Jackson's still getting work in spite of the traumatic brain injury that made him walleyed and only able to speak Danish.
They're not supposed to signify derangement?!?
Oh shit, someone's figured out that we've been ganking @TheSensitiveGhostOfSethPu:disqus 's likes. Abort. Bail out. I'll see you all in Portugal if you make it.
Catching? Switch-hitting? We're… We're talking about fucking here, right?
Aww, new person, how am I supposed to know that Brian Wilson is a genius if you don't specifically mention it in every article about him? This kind of shit wouldn't have flown in the old regime!
She's one of those funny nerds from The Big Bang Theory.