Aldo Kelrast

The French Canadian hooker was for real hot. This show was enormously influential on my sense of humor and, in hindsight, positively influenced my thoughts about gay people. I thought Scott Thompson was cool years before I knew—or more accurately, knew that I knew—a gay man. So I guess the church lunatics are right

I think it's pretty clear that Maxwell's owner just doesn't want to do it anymore. Same thing happened to a really beloved jazz club here in NOLA.

If ol' Dan Savage had been around in the early 90s to coin the term "pegging," we would have been spared 20 years of speculation on that point.

No, no. Xenu is the nemesis. He wants less Beck. Ellaraich wants more Beck.

Indie Rock Band, The Name

As long as there are casinos, there will be money to be made from the name recognition of a radio rock band. People went to see Queen with Paul Rodgers.

STP are such a faux rock band that they can't even die in a timely manner so the revisionism can kick in.

Have you seen how fat all these fuckers have gotten?

Sure, that's why I have no problem with boy bands. There are always going to be presexual pretty boys to make teenage girls feel special. Hell, the Jackson 5 were a boy band. The difference with Motown though, is that all of those groups had The Funk Brothers playing on their tracks, so they were basically

Like I said, pet theory. The real reasons have to do with demographics, media consolidation, and the end of the last great period of middle-class prosperity.

I've always had a pet theory about the boy band boom. I blame Titanic. Before any of this stuff hit stateside, when "alternative" music was still theoretically the dominant style, James Cameron made several hundred fortunes selling a chaste bodice-ripper crossed with a teenage splatter-platter sweetened with a jillion

Old white men blathering on about baseball? Where the fuck is my checkbook!!!

Less likely to get wood in the wetsuit.

Like everyone else, I didn't see After Earth.

You have a hell of a rabbit hole to go down. Search for "true forced loneliness" and then spread out from there.

I doubt it would happen, but I would die to see the Doctor played in the character of Johnson from Peep Show.

A red-headed black man. So… Malcolm X?

You are the cause of your own problems, MRA loser. Kill yourself.

The image indicates she's been cast as Ma$e, ca. 1998.

After all of the DRM, no used games, always-web-connected, motion capture gimmick, chest-high-wall bullshit inherent to the PS4 and Xbox One crashed the video game market for the second time in 2014, good old Atari was there with a black plastic brick and some joysticks ready to pick up the pieces.