
Not a great movie, but much better than I'd been lead to expect…

Ditto on the Mad Max…it always seemed to be really ahead of its time in suggesting that the societal collapse was all more just a process of things falling apart than nuclear war or anything. Though The Road Warrior does pretty clearly indicate that eventually a nuclear war put an end to "the machine."

I was 10 years old when I went to see Logan's Run in the theater…guess they had different standards for a PG rating back then. I can still remember the little hand-crystal tattoo-thingy they handed out at the door.

I thought these features generally had more detail. Where's Soylent Green? The Omega Man? The Planet of the Apes sequels? Just to mention a few…

This episode was a whole lot better than a 'B.' It might be one of the best so far, in fact. The interplay between Tessa and Dahlia was classic and most of the country club stuff was funny, too.

Good question…I kept thinking this felt more like a series finale than a season ender. There just doesn't seem to be anyplace for the show to go after this.

Maybe they could work this around somehow to having Brody take down Abu Nazir?

It's going to be pretty different already next year if Carrie has lost her security clearance and, in Saul's words, "will never set foot in Langley again."

Are the tv show links deliberately set up to lead one to the promo for that awful show about idiots performing practical jokes on each other? Great way to "promote" a show that will last about as long as Hater…

Ugh, I hate this show! Nothing ever happens and when it finally does, they kill off the character? And that deer the Huntsman was hunting when we first saw him in the fairytale world was one of the most unconvincing CGI creations I've ever seen.

That really was a standout pilot. I was intrigued throughout and am really looking forward to the series.

Still a better than even chance that Saul is the mole (unfortunately)…

It's completely ridiculous—a whole string of cliches—and the write-ups are doing a great job of pointing out the continuing absurdity. Deadwood this ain't…

I hate how this show hammers its points home: king has serf remove metal glove, warning him about what happened to the last guy who miffed this; king touches sword with glowing hand and it turns to gold; Prince Charming to king, "Excuse me if I don't shake on it, King Midas." Duh. Pretty clear who the king was from

I figured Brody was still someone to be suspected, but I figured they'd at least play that out for another episode or two, not immediately play the card so soon. This is exciting TV and it's hard to know just where it's all going. Hopefully, it's not just a variation on The Manchurian Candidate…

Your tongue-in-cheek review just serves to point out how increasingly-ridiculous this show is becoming…

Hanson are (were?) from Oklahoma, NOT Iowa…

The video's gone..C'mon, can't we post links to things that will stay up a few hours at least?

My subtitles tell me that Pierce's father was calling him "Pierceval," sort of like "Percival," not "Piercenault"

This show is really suffering by comparison with the comic book Fables.