
Prince of Darkness may not be his best film, but I had the scariest night of my life when I went to see it. I was a grad student at Purdue at the time, and the theater was across town from the dorm where I lived. As I was coming out, I passed some guys sitting in a car near mine and they said something stupid to me to

I've been a big fan of his ever since Homicide, but Gus Fring is an archetypal character and Breaking Bad is an amazing show.

It does almost seem like the house is the main character. There's been a series of families living there who've all died violently…then the house cleans itself up and waits for the next family to come along. Seems like the real estate agent probably plays a part in all of this, somehow. I liked that the husband and

I liked the Chalky sequence, too, but thought the Jimmy sequences showed him carefully setting up those 2 bozos to attempt to rob him: flashing the money where they can see it, getting his knife out of his boot and ready to use, etc. Almost as though he's addicted to violence or needs to kill people every now and

Seems like the most likely explanation for Brock's poisoning is that he snuck the cigarette from Jesse's pack when Jesse wasn't looking. That whole sequence was so strange and required so many awkward leaps of faith and/or logic, that it threatened to sink the whole episode for me. This is a series that thrives on

My biggest problem with last night is how long will it take Harmon to figure out what happened to him? Unless Amanda's revenge scheme starts to include murder or figuring out how to get people to commit suicide, she's going to have a long string of angry people coming after her…

Last night was the first (and probably last) time I watched this show. Absolutely horrible.

After the 1-2-3 punch of Community, Parks and Recreation, and even The Office (which was good) last night, Whitney was a real come-down. The whole decision to include a laugh-track seems as misguided as the rest of it. Pretty horrible pilot episode after the months and months of build up…

Think you're old, my first R-rated movie was Chinatown. Went with my mom and dad and I would have been 8 years old at the time. They were always taking me to stuff like that—a couple years later, it was Network. The theater in my small town was very liberal about the R-rating and who could get in; if your parents gave