
He was pretending to read an auto manual but had the comic book wedged in the middle, that little scamp.

Oak tree urine my way.

The smell of Sensurround you!

"Drop the Hot part of Hot Stuff The Little Devil and I'll direct it for free!"
-Bryan Singer

Bryan Singer was served with a subpoena yesterday.

When I saw the 3rd Matrix in the theatres, this guy took a phone call next to me for fifteen minutes and I didn't care.

In all seriousness, this whole idea is pretty cheesy. Therefore, I won't be watching it because I can't digest…

To err is human. To eat dog shit, Divine.

I'm sure this movie will be Legend…

Day after day!

ALL movies are fun as hell to watch drunk.

He should incorporate the footage he will find of me taking a dump on his driveway.

One thing I would do at K-Mart is to rip off the price label on a cheaper item and then slap it on a more expensive item.

God damn Army.

The strangest thing was my ex and I snuck into Stuck On You and there were no other people who showed up. I was wondering if they would even run it. Also, we'd be screwed if anyone came in. They did run it for an "empty" theatre.

My buddy and I snuck into Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey and we got there while it was at the halfway point, so we watched the second half, then waited half an hour for the movie to start up again and then watched it up to the point we had come in. It's a fucked-up way to watch something.

Only shoplifted pop culture twice. DJ Shadow's Endtroducing on cassette. And Nirvana's Nevermind on cassette. It was just after 8th grade and my friends and I went to the mall and it quickly became a game of how much you could steal. My friend yelled at me for shoplifting Nevermind because he also shoplifted it. He

Seems like Fuller's wheelhouse is death. Maybe he can just do a reboot (or continuation) of season 1.

I think he has a new movie coming out, maybe with Bruce Willis? So, that might be his one chance.

Burn might work because you could have lots of characters dropping out (aka dying) and it could be a show with a revolving protagonist, maybe they end up dying or end up getting selfish and then becoming the main antagonist.