
Starring Andy Serkis as Freddy Rumsen.

It's been awhile, but it reminded me of Don at the beginning of Season 2, his wife suspecting infidelity but no solid evidence and he's resolved to remain faithful. He's sharp and telling dudes to remove their hats when there's a lady in the elevator, but ultimately, he's gonna cheat on his wife. Will he this time?

William H. Macy was the Pete Campbell of that movie.

Mad Men should do the Arrested Development "Sounds of Silence" cue for characters this season.

Well, that kid is gonna wanna breast-feed till he's 25, so you figure that'll mess him up.

No, I was watching it with a bunch of people and we all laughed. It was a funny juxtaposition, plus his brains were all over that wall.

What bothered me most was Teddy grabbing a piece of dry toast and walking away. Did they not have jam in the '60s?

Maybe he switched to gum.

"But I don't wanna be a pirate!"
-Jerry Cosgrove

The series finale will be New Year's Eve 1969 and Don blows his brains out at a party at his house and then it says "1970"

"If you're an attractive widow who wants to sleep on me during a flight, I will allow it."

He was pretty close in season 4 when he's going swimming and doing mission statement types of shit.

Ken is the inventor of Google Glass.

As someone who hates cole slaw and doesn't love pastrami, fuck that sandwich.

I have a hard time believing that she would be back. It would be kinda hard to track her down in 1969. I did Don to ask her what her favorite scary movie was.

Police Doubt Fire Started By Hijackers Was Intentional

Caroline yes.

I thought Peggy's neighbor was creepy Glen for one millisecond.

Remember when Roger had a heart attack in season 1 for drinking and smoking and he gave it one episode before he was back to drinking and smoking?

"It's an elaborate freakout!"
-Roger Sterling