
I'm not a Tex Avery wolf when it comes to Joan, but she's got a beautiful face.

Vanilla Fudge

Maybe it's a mannequin and Don is re-creating that part in The Good Son. The Good Son came out in 1970, right?

Male hugging is a California thing.

Don Draper: Listen Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again.

I bet Megan moves back to Canada.

Also literally above this statement.

Anyone else feel like Rumsen's pitch could also be applied to Google Glass or the Google Watch or some new smartphone or Apple product?

I said below it felt like the first part of a two-parter.

Not necessarily. There was no Draper family or Bert Cooper either.

The part about Megan's teeth

I'm a male. Was the "thing" that was stuck in the toilet tampons? What would women throw out the window?

Pete says "We should open up our own agency" next week.

His finest work since One Crazy Summer.

But aren't they in New York?

I thought it was because she wanted the plumber dude to stay for awhile and the fact that her sister wasn't gonna be alone tonight, unlike Peggy.

I liked her earlier on when she was able to deal with Don's shit and would insist that he not drink on an empty stomach.

My wife doesn't watch the show because she feels it's sexist (she's probably right) and I wish she would walk in during a Ken scene. Instead, she walks in during a Don and Megan pillow talk scene.

I was re-watching that part later on and it had that slow-motion thing for about five seconds and then it clicks into regular motion.

This felt like part one of a two-parter.