
"He aims through the book depository window and fires off three shots, each striking three of the would-be assassins in the head, vaporizing their alien bodies instantly. Unfortunately, there are five total shooters that day in Ann Arbor and JFK dies."

I'm gonna make up 1,000 "CHILTON!" t-shirts and head down to the local flea market.

When he was shot, it made him look like he was shot straight through the neck.

Chilton is Eric Idle in European Vacation.

If I was Chilton and I knew that Hannibal was out to get me, the moment I heard that beeping, I would get the fuck out the house.

There are seven letters in Chilton and Hannibal. Hannibal has 8, but it also has 7.

She ate my meat last night!

Last season kinda dragged around the same time. There was the violin guy who fought Hannibal and it really didn't advance the story. Also, the episode with the chick who was under the bed. It kinda just decided to be a story again in the last 3 or 4 episode stretch, which will probably be the same way this year.

The problem is the show ramped up Jack's suspicions and Will's incarceration to the point where it needed a lull in the middle.

Will: You're gonna find evidence that points you in another direction.
Jack: Okay. Noted.

I imagined a TV series where it's Crawford chasing Chilton across the country and nearly catching him every episode. And Chilton is after the illusive one-armed Miriam Lass. Maybe call it The Runaway Guy.

The Giants game ran long and they just ran new afterwards (I had set up my DVR to record the news and then Fallon, just in case) and never played it.

The Chilton in Manhunter is much more helpful, not as much of an a-hole.

I'm glad that The Stunt Man could be construed as creepy. It's a very strange film.

I don't miss them. It's a great way to ruin a good day.

I thought that was Drew Barrymore from some forgotten '90s movie.

I bought Kart for the Wii and thought it would be great, especially with that wheel controller, and I maybe played it 2 days total. The online thing was no fun because everyone was an expert and they would acquire superhuman speed or there was a cheating element.

Yes! The penultimate boss was hard as fuck. Shadow Link was pretty easy. You just keep doing that shield-kneel-thrust thing.

It's designed in such a way where you can try it 2 (maybe 3) times and not lose any ground… as long as you succeed.

My favorite was the beach. Koopa Beach? I played that one on a 3:1 ratio and the shortcut ramp was always on the menu. Even if you missed it the first time and your competitor made it, you usually would have enough cool shit to catch up, especially if you got lightning right before their second or third attempt.