
Norman Fell and Carl Reiner. Milton Berle's dead, right?

Why do you think she killed herself?

He would if he could.

What percentage of that cast is now in the great big W in the sky?

Harry Shearer is his biological son.

"A full obituary, completely written 10 years ago, is in the works."

I can mash potato
I can do the twist

Can't believe he was survived by Andy Rooney.

Sister of Constance Gardner.

Mickey Rooney Sugar Babies

I never liked his persona that much.

I have a hard time seeing anyone who made their success over at NBC. So that rules them out.

Didn't Fuller say in one of these that there's a nice 4-stretch of episodes coming up that are bonkers crazy? This episode was great, but felt like table-setting.

IMO it was Tortuga.

I recently watched that movie. Enjoyed it, but what the hell was the point? I know the guy did Assassination of Jesse James, so I was used to the pacing and non-story, but at least that had a 45-minute epilogue that kinda gave it all a point.

There's a deleted scene where he wipes the lipstick smudge off his dick in the bathroom.

People who live in Alana's ass shouldn't throw boners.

Calling it now: Late Night With Mads Mikkelsen

I'm not fond of this storyline because it has shades of that burny-haired-bad-skin girl from last season.

I forgive them because they are usually already onto the next review of the night or else the majority of the commentariat ignore the article completely.