
You're a poet and you don't even realize it.

What are Grimm's ratings like? I only see the last minute and wonder what kinda people watch it. Seems like the tone is all over the place.

He downloaded rare flower information from the Matrix.

Why the show isn't popular with the masses:
1. Mads is extremely European. You just don't really get that on American TV shows these days. Or ever. I figure people just tuned in for the first episode and didn't take to Mads. Frankly, he does take some time to get into.

If they're gonna cancel it, I'll happily take the accelerated burn-off episode nights.

I'm a little confused about the drugging. Did they fuck and then he was like "You want some red wine?"

I never had th

Hannibal throws the scent towards Virginia and I guess he's trying to indict somebody else now? Maybe Gideon?

Netflix makes sense to me because these episodes have made me want to binge-watch the shit out of it.

Hell, even Gideon is probably still alive and kicking (bad choice of words).

Pretty obvious from the preview aired last week that the meat Jack wanted examined was gonna turn out to be genuine animal meat. Simply too early in the season to be getting concrete evidence.

I was re-watching Silence of the Lambs and then in Hannibal, it's almost implied that Hannibal has more respect for Clarice, but it's not like she ever does anything to earn it. She puts up with him.

The yellow leaves scene almost seemed like it was something Will was imagining.

My biggest fear is that the Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon/Hannibal references are being used because Fuller knows it'll never get to the Dolarhyde season.

Once you go inside, you're stuck, because the snipers herd you into your pen.

I would say that this point that you would think that at least one of our main characters will probably die next season because they want to do something else with their acting, but none of the actors really seem like they have anything else going on.

Kinda ballsy to begin next season in media res because the Carl actor will probably growth spurt.

Somebody has to get eaten, because our characters don't know they're cannibals.

In Soviet Atlanta, Grimes takes bite out of you.

"He's skiing on one ski!"