

That guy who Rick refused to help (the one who was swarmed by 20 zombies and got his face eaten)… it would be funny if next season's cold open is a flashback of that guy escaping from Terminus.

My parents bought season 1 of South Park on VHS a long, long time ago and it pissed me off that they were still bleeping the kids.

"They're digging in the wrong place!" would have also been awesome.

Hopefully Carol goes all medieval on those hipsters.

As that fat guy was trying to rape Corl, Daryl should have yelled "Claim!"

If you thought this episode was good, wait until the season premiere, "B+".

The flashbacks were so fucking spotty.

About that last line. I thought Rick was actually gonna say something cool like "They don't know… I rigged the entrance with explosives" or "They don't know… I hid all those guns up my butt" or "They don't know… I am a farmer and I know how to grow gun plants." Just something Lost-like.

"A" is for Auschwitz

When Julianna Marguilles got on that train car at the end, I got goosebumps.

Billy Joel was in the audience.

Louis probably doesn't give a fuck because he sheds his material every year like a snakeskin.

McKinnon just feels like a ringer. Seems like the material is beneath her and she should be starring in something (I realize she's on year 3 or 4 of an 8-year contract), but I've never seen her doing anything else.

Losing Armisen meant losing a rotation of his characters.

I miss the days of the host going backstage or those 30 Rock hallways. Or just cast members planted in the audience.

I didn't care too much for Carlin (maybe I was too young), but Louis seems to be morphing into Carlin every year.

And Between Two Ferns was like 10 days ago. I know they didn't do a show last week, but does every cold open have to be Obama? Maybe it's tradition, if I wasn't lazy, I'd see what percentage of the cold opens were Bush Sr., Clinton, and GWB in their respective SNL eras.

As soon as that sketch started, I knew it was dead in the water.

No, I just didn't want it to sound like I was only focusing on her weight.