
Chapelle Show pretty much cornered all the good black sketch ideas.

Or Danny McBride's gay nephew.

Part of it was Steven A. Smith's real schtick, but I think he was trying to force (whatever that new guy's name is) to break, just to almost save the bit.

Interesting how the pre-taped stuff is generally better than the live stuff. They should just make it all pre-taped shit.

It just feels like David Spade's receptionist character. You see it once, you get a good idea. Chris Farley is about the only member of SNL who you could watch exert physicality and not really get tired of it.

I like Melissa McCarthy, but for some reason I can't stand Adie Bryant. She's just really huge and it's kinda sad. Bobby Moynihan was only in one sketch, and he's a big guy too. What happened to cocaine?

It's nitpicky, but I hate it when the sketch goes against the rules of game shows. Louis CK's guy got lots of wrong answers and then somehow got control of the board just for the sake of a joke.

The original TV show or the Bryan Fuller version?

Was it glass? I assumed it was glass, but I thought later on that it was sheets of ice (thus, the watery blood melting kinda thing going on in the cold (no pun intended) open).

I'll never look at Casino Royale the same way again. He should have been the main villain, not the muscle.

Based on the clues for next's week's preview (SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK'S PREVIEW), it seems like Hannibal is ramping up another party (a.k.a. killing spree) and it might just be in a montage where he's killing people and actually having sex with a victim because it's probably been a long time (and promptly killing her).

I got a Nielsen thing in the mail and it had a question about favorite show or network and I put Hannibal just for the underdog factor.

My local news always leads in with BREAKING NEWS right after the last part of the show and it's horrifying. Two weeks ago, it was news that the Malaysian govt. was calling it a hijacking.

Plus, being dead on this show does not necessarily mean being gone.

I watched Manhunter recently and Peterson is fine.

I hope this show builds upon mythology, so he's now divorced and maybe somebody suggests kidnapping.

Love that one.

I noticed that season one's episode titles were French and this season's is Japanese.

A Mads Mikkelsen cameo would be great.

Looking forward to Rick being tortured next week. Remember Rick? He was on last night's episode.