
He was pretty enjoyable in Meet the Parents as well.

I always had him confused with James Cromwell, since they played similar types.

Buried deep in the crazy shit in this episode was the lobotomized dude who was still alive and yet they were examining him like he was a corpse. Give that guy an overdose of morphine.

It was a television showing Kim Novak's appearance at the Oscars.

I recently rewatched it and I was kinda surprised how helpful Chilton was.

However, he was wise enough to immediately take the angle of "But we're in this together" because he probably knows how dangerous Hannibal is.

Mads is great, but I feel like his accent is gonna stop him from being a breakout star. I know he's huge in Europe, but I don't see him doing romantic comedies anytime soon.

Jack Crawford: We're all gonna sit here and be three David Gests. Now what's David Gest like?

I watch Hannibal on DVR on Saturday and so I watch the last minute of Grimm and it just looks like the weirdest two-show pairing. Of course, it seems like Grimm likes to have a campy ending to their episodes, I just wonder what kinda people are watching both shows.

My Girl

I only watched Wonderfalls but I kinda know about his other shows and it seems like they're all female-heavy. He's not exactly Christopher Nolan.

Once I saw "Amanda Plummer" in the credits, I was like "Welp, there's our killer".

There'll bee no anarchy.

Here ya go, Tumblr. Morpheus smoking weed and Hannibal's clock face.

I saw that movie Hannibal last year and I thought how Hannibal escaped the pigs was a copout. That was not a very good movie.

Yeah, because horror movies involve zombies and other monsters that are impossible.

I guess it was a matter of figuring out characters and getting a bearing on things, but I kinda forgot about the very first cold open and how it relates to things. It's pretty much the opening of Manhunter.

Scott Thompson and the other guy seem like they belong more on CSI.

I also got a Wonderfalls token kinda vibe out of that coin.