
I have to re-watch it again because I am hazy on the moment where a light turns on. Does she turn the light on?

Cue the Spencer Davis Group.

Just the post-apocalypse and electricity.

I kinda hate babies on TV shows.

It's almost like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers thing. Maybe it's quite pleasant to literally feel nothing. They get you peacefully in your sleep and everyone else in the world is in the same boat.

The show keeps dropping hints that these people are closer than we think, so I think the black smoke was from the cabin that Daryl and Beth burned down. And I guess the marauders are supposed to be interlopers of sorts. Glenn finding the Terminus sign. I'm sure he'll find Maggie's scrawling.

It was a character beat that just sprung up all of a sudden. Tyreese was murdering walkers all the time, but she was never like "But these are my friends" until this episode.

Baby double-take would have been priceless.

Maybe it was just the music, but I got a Frank Darabont vibe to that cold open.

I'm not sure it was such a good idea to freeze Rick and Michonne for 3 consecutive episodes. Even the most interesting development this season, with Abraham's group, has been on ice for 4 episodes.

Guy Pearce or GTFO.

Orphan tears are nature's onions.

Is Verger a character who was created in the Hannibal story? Cuz Silence of the Lambs-created characters are off limits.

B+. I did like the judge thing being with 10 minutes left. Most shows would have just used that as the episode finale.

Hannibal is so deliberate and covers his ground, it's gonna be interesting watching this season for the one detail he misses, which eventually tips Jack off (phrasing!) to suspecting him. That one detail will probably not come about until the back half.

But you get all the flyfishing porn you want.

Did Hannibal quote the end of Star Trek 2?

Especially if she's going around killing with only one ear.

That means she's not dead. Or they need Matt Weiner running that show.

Will's Lawyer: You know what would also help your defense? Not looking like a creep in the courtroom.