
I would give the show credit if mullet guy turns out to be a smart character and he actually shot up the truck on purpose, because he's some super-genius who thinks 3 steps ahead of everyone.

During that scene, I was just going "Who does number 2 work for?"

"A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when
Jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a cross? That's kinda like going
up to Rick Grimes with a zombie pendant on."

I'm a fan.

It seems to be a running gag that whenever other people run into our heroes, their lives are screwed up. Abraham and his buddies seemed to be doing just fine hauling ass out of Atlanta until they ran into Glenn and Tara. I guess the marauder guy who got choked to death wasn't Rick fault, but the guy Rick strangled

The monologue that led from cereal to milk to disgusting milk to referencing Judith makes me appreciate the parts without dialogue.

You mean it leaves too many dirty forks and spoons.

Something about Winston just makes me laugh. He's the one with the least neuroses on that show.

For sweeps, perhaps they could be victims of a hate crime.

I was daydreaming the other day and remembered that I had a Homey The Clown t-shirt as a kid. And Homey the Clown was obnoxiously big on the shirt. And I was really proud of the shirt.

And I'm glad the show gave a glimpse of the building process, and just didn't spring it on us like some surprise. Although, the constant cuts to the trunk and importance of the key fob might have helped the suspense. But they've always showed us glimpses of the ultimate incendiary device.

C'mon, didn't you wanna see Holly die at 102 in some weird futuristic bedroom?

Burt Macklin puts a bug on his car. Jesse Swanson confronts him in the garage, warns him to tread lightly. Next thing you know, Burt Macklin is being killed by Uncle Jack (played by Martin Short, reprising his role from Arrested Development). April Ludgate is a widow. I console her.

It was weird, they kinda messed up his eyes so they looked uneven, like the skin around the eyes.

Also, the Nazis were out of methlymene, which meant they were almost out of need for Jesse. I guess Lydia would have found a way to get some.

I fell in love with Scratchx3 when he sampled the score from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

You actually learn quite a bit of science in "Burpin' and Fartin'"

A spinoff of Deb deciding to quit Miami Metro and becoming a filthy standup comedienne would have also been great.

I don't know why AMC didn't hype it more.

They could burn the money and just pay Flynn off with their own 10 million dollars.