
Any take on the significance of Walt watching Walt Jr. for the last time? Proud father glad that his son was doing stuff on his own? Or maybe going to school? Or just one last bittersweet look at his son?

I just felt like he should drive out of there with something, but yeah, you just have to imagine the further adventures of Jesse Pinkman. If Aaron Paul's career stalls, maybe that's your other spinoff. I almost feel like I wanna watch Better Call Saul with him arriving in Nebraska, because that way, Jesse could make a

Also, he knew that Lydia would say "Kill him", which helped him gain access to the compound.

It was the only Stevia in the sugar basket. And she uses Stevia, and she's a creature of habit. Maybe all the Stevia has ricin in it LOL.

White people, amirite?

A lot of people will just consider "Ozymandias" the finale and the last 2 episodes as the epilogue. Despite the Andrea killing from last week, the pair of episodes have been sort of a lighter tone.

Dexter was running on fumes for so long that if I heard that Doakes was not dead, or he was a cyborg like Robocop, and he showed up in the finale to take Dexter to jail, it would have been a better finale than whatever the fuck happened last week.

Yeah, maybe it was my unfamiliarity with that song. Most of the songs on this show are ones I've never heard of, kinda like Mad Men, and some of them end up on my iPod.

I almost felt like it would have been a better ending for Jesse if the car he took had a trunk full of cash.

I kinda get that, though. It was a show that I was constantly surprised by, but about the only big surprise for me in this episode was Walt's "Oh yeah, I hired hitmen" trick.

I thought Walt was gonna explode that lab as a last fuck you to the DEA.

Jesse buys his wood from Carl S'Junior

It was the first time I heard that Badfinger song, but did anyone feel like the guitar lick that accompanied the fade to black made it sound like the ending of some '80s show, like The A-Team?

I'm glad AV Club put up a page for discussion before the review. They should do that more often, mostly for Sunday night shows.

The only thing I hate about buying it is that barrel. I had the Lost set and it was such a pain in the ass fishing out one episode. You had the outer box, then a heavy map, then, a long sleeve for each season, then the thing flapped out 3 ways.

I think Todd transformed into an innocent, naive kid, so I think he was gonna be like "Mr. White, this trunk popped open and started shooting."

Maybe his editor, Skip MacDonald.

I know the ending is just a bit too pat, but it's fine. I would hate if it was just a offscreen gun fight and fade to black and then somebody doing a 5,000 treatise on what they picked up from visual cues and the examination of audio.

The thing I was most impressed by was that fact that there was so much to do, but the episode took its sweet time, for the most part. Did anyone get a Kubrick vibe from the Gretchen-Elliott scene? Definitely Clockwork Orange, with the classical music and the elaborate space and the whimsy of Walt just eavesdropping in

My question to  you: How exactly does Walt locate the Aryan base?