Crooks like us

Who? I want names and addresses.

Republic Now!

Did he dye all his hair red? There would be a great reveal of Harry's true identity if a contestant whips 'Sir's' pants arf.

"Sober You couldn’t get your ass into a hot top’s dungeon. Medicated You, on the other hand, gets shit done."

The problem here is not that she wants to have sex, as some puritans on this board think, but Dan's response -
"I trust you’ll be considerate and discreet and leave me in the dark. I promise to do the same"
which is coy and deceitful. The correct response is "I love you. We have not had sex for years. I need

I doubt you would specialise in gynaecology unless you where a hetereosexual male… If you where repulsed, why not just be a regular GP or if women's reproductive organs are so academically interesting (but repulse you in real life), why not go into research?

It is probably best to let her go and tell her you like her a lot, but that you are not willing to settle down or have kids.
It is that or compromise.

I remember that earworm - Australians all let us rejoice / For we are young and free / With golden soil / and wealth for toil / our home is girt by sea (our home is girt by sea)

Nice article and great chronology but 'religious in reverence', what does that even mean?

I am going to say this before the purists get all huffy.

I am going to say this before the purists get all huffy.

It's a satire, the characters are too large, LIonel is world weary and middle aged at 21.  He gets his first ASBO at age three.  He describes his time at YOI (Young Offenders Institution) as others would refer to their undergraduate study.  It is all meant to be larger than life.  The moral points in the novel are not

It's a satire, the characters are too large, LIonel is world weary and middle aged at 21.  He gets his first ASBO at age three.  He describes his time at YOI (Young Offenders Institution) as others would refer to their undergraduate study.  It is all meant to be larger than life.  The moral points in the novel are not

In a certain font the director's name would read Kem.

In a certain font the director's name would read Kem.

scatterbrainless No, I mean perceptions, by which I mean a conceit or an awareness.Perspectives means objectivity or context. I don't think HipsterDbag was displaying anything but a pointless, ignorant view.They are quite similar words I grant you.

scatterbrainless No, I mean perceptions, by which I mean a conceit or an awareness.Perspectives means objectivity or context. I don't think HipsterDbag was displaying anything but a pointless, ignorant view.They are quite similar words I grant you.

What's wrong with (the one that's not violent J's) throat?  Is that like a cool trachyotame?  

What's wrong with (the one that's not violent J's) throat?  Is that like a cool trachyotame?  

That is because you are a shithead.  You are trying to make your argument sound reasonable, but you are not applying any form of logic to it.  You are simply making the statement from your own perceptions without examining those perceptions or prejudices and without even backing it up.  I believe that you are trying