The Waltmobile

I'm sorry, not even the apocalypse would make me want to fuck Zorp.

I'm sorry, not even the apocalypse would make me want to fuck Zorp.

Oh hey there! Not much, not much… there's a ceremonial bonfire over there where half the people are getting shitfaced and singing "Na Na Na Na Goodbye", and the other half is over there getting undressed for the End-Of-Times orgy.

Oh hey there! Not much, not much… there's a ceremonial bonfire over there where half the people are getting shitfaced and singing "Na Na Na Na Goodbye", and the other half is over there getting undressed for the End-Of-Times orgy.

If anyone's still paying attention, there's also an extension (that sadly works only on google chrome, at least for now) called Kinjamprove, which alters Kinja to give nested comment threads and such. I've already downloaded it, it works, and thought I'd share.

If anyone's still paying attention, there's also an extension (that sadly works only on google chrome, at least for now) called Kinjamprove, which alters Kinja to give nested comment threads and such. I've already downloaded it, it works, and thought I'd share.

You keep dreaming, Johnny… never stop dreaming…

You keep dreaming, Johnny… never stop dreaming…

*is already naked*

What an amazing final comment. Hats off to you, friend.

"Well, I guess I kinda… worked it out. If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Cause that's all there is. What we do, now, today. I fought for so long. For redemption, for a reward, finally just to beat the other guy, but… I never got it."

"Well, I guess I kinda… worked it out. If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Cause that's all there is. What we do, now, today. I fought for so long. For redemption, for a reward, finally just to beat the other guy, but… I never got it."

For what it's worth, I'm going to be here tomorrow too, but I shall also check out your posts on Avocado. I just wanted to take this opportunity to mention that your politics threads pretty much kept me sane in the aftermath of the election, and I've enjoyed the discussions about current events with intelligent

Xander started out as a skeevy guy and over the course of the series became a much better human being.

Oh my god, thank you so much for that link to the chrome extension! I'm definitely going to get a lot of use out of it. May your house receive many good crops and harvests!

This commenter did read the article. The author's points were wrong. Literally, factually wrong. But that would require having watched Buffy itself to know, which I guess it too much of a nitpick for you.

Except for the fact that it actually lives up to feminist standards more than a lot of TV shows airing right now.

It's a new commenting system that sadly doesn't foster intelligent discourse as much as our current one does. They're apparently going to give us a way to keep our old accounts and transfer them over, but among Kinja's wonderful features is that you can't tell that well who replied to who in a thread, and there's no

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that there's never a bad time to rewatch Buffy and Angel :-). Great pleasure to have talked to you.

Well I absolutely feel a kinship with you now, haha. That line hit me like a sledgehammer the first time I watched Angel, and I think about it just as often. Angel Season 2 (where that line came from) is the one season of Angel that is absolutely just as good as Buffy's best seasons; the character arc Angel goes