The Waltmobile

I hope your niece gets something out of it. Introducing someone to Buffy for the first time is a rare privilege I've never been able to do yet, sadly.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I think we appreciate Buffy in a very similar way. Thank you for sharing what it means to you. There's something deep inside me that recognized the first time I watched the show that there was something special to it. The fact that so many have connected to it like I did proves me

I apologize for seeming hostile then, I interpreted your comment as patronizing and obviously I shouldn't have. In terms of Season 6, I agree in the sense that it remains to this day the most uncomfortable I've ever felt watching TV, but I think that's a mark in the season's favor. I've watched the entire show all the

Because the authors on this site evidently have very little integrity and only decide to fully turn on figures in pop culture when it suits whatever direction the current bandwagon is heading in.

I can't speak for Jordo, but I have looked deeply into these concerns. I've spent years of my life thinking about Buffy, and have come away with the conclusion that it's one of the most important feminist works of our time. The concerns this author raises are based on demonstrably false pretenses and almost entirely

I'm a defender of Joss Whedon's work. And I believe his work proves that he is a feminist. It's also clear that he's done bad things. Anyone who ever thought he was a perfect person has bigger problems than contributing hot takes to fan debates, though.

This is it. I'm done. This is supposed to be a website that celebrates good TV, and yet your staff seems content to let the place slide into absolute mediocrity and petty bullshit rather than actually appreciate good TV. I'll say it one last time, and then I'll probably be leaving this website once and for all: Joss

The Wonder Woman script he wrote wasn't even finished, but as a rough draft it was good. I still would have wanted to see his take on Wonder Woman.

You're one of the handful of commenters I'm actually going to really miss when this site goes to Kinja. The conversations we had on the X-Files reviews were always super engaging, and I can tell you're really passionate about shows that deserve it. Unfortunately, this website isn't really deserving of many of the

Not at all. This is a misguided hit piece, pure and simple.


Exactly. Thank you for putting it into words better than I can. If you start making a movement that should be positive and reach out to all into something exclusionary, the battle is already lost.

He helped build the MCU and promptly got shit on because he made a movie that didn't cater to everyone's whims. And now he's probably going to be the only thing that makes Justice League even remotely watchable, and will most likely receive even less credit.

The Doyle character was just amazing too, he was a fantastic actor to create such a complex portrayal in just 9 episodes. To this day I think his death scene is pretty much the standard for how to write a character off of a show and make it feel genuinely earned.

I give Jefferson credit for writing words that would eventually inspire other, better human beings to take them up later on and try to make the philosophy actually work in practice. Other than that, he was obviously a prick.

It's especially hard when talking about issues where it's easy to divide everyone and fall into all the traps a certain topic (feminism, say) is meant to avoid in the first place.

Oh god, sorry about that, I didn't phrase it clearly. That wasn't a jab at you, I was chiming in with agreement.

You're equating what Joss Whedon did to rape? Jesus fucking christ.

Of course men can be feminists. To say they can't be is incredibly reductive and insulting to men AND women.