The Waltmobile

He was also responsible, along with David Greenwalt, for pretty much firing Glenn Quinn on Angel halfway through the first season because of his serious substance abuse problem that actually did end up killing him. All this despite the fact that he was one of David Boreanaz's best friends. And in Joss' own words, he

No, they idolize Joss Whedon. It's also not so much idolization as it is recognition that he's one of the most transformative voices in television history.

That's fine, everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'm simply taking issue with those who criticize a superhero show for focusing on character and plot rather than constant fight scenes.

Garrett Hedlund would have been a superb choice if they absolutely insisted on keeping Danny white.

Unfortunately, Colleen's arc didn't really start in reality until episode 10 either. If we had known she was working for the Hand from the beginning, or at least had it been revealed sooner, that would have been one thing, but for the first nine episodes Colleen's entire character was pretty much 'martial arts

"This premiere gets an F. Iron Fist is still white and this one scene showed a female character crying, which is the definition of misogyny."

It really is. The problem is that it's pretty much the only thing worth watching for the entirety of the first nine episodes. Everything else is dull as dirt. I liked Harold and Ward so much that I was willing to wade through the dirt for more of their amazing performances, but it is obviously a huge fucking problem

I get that the internet has the collective attention span of a wet dishrag, but I really expected a little better (especially from Alex, one of this site's better reviewers) than a C grade purely because a season premiere was 'mostly talk'. Really? This is an extended 6 hour and 38 minute superhero team-up film, and

Exactly. I think many people are overestimating the amount of 'violence' going on among the counterprotestors.


I have never advocated for petty revenge. I will never advocate for hurting anyone without cause. Do you consider the Richard Spencer punch 'petty revenge'?

Hopefully it never will be.

Would you rather have your dignity or your life?

I mean I wasn't going to go there but as long as you're the first one who said it…

You're dead-on there, the first season is a masterwork. Season 2 was obviously not as good, but I think it retained a lot more of the intricate character development and elements of classic literary tragedy than a lot of people give it credit for.

He just has the most punchable face, tbh.

It's a very tough problem. Everyone wants to be Martin Luther King Jr. and find the perfect pacifist way to fight Trump, but what everyone forgets is that even he got shot dead just like Malcolm X in the end, for all their differences in approach. Hate doesn't care if you're trying to reason with it. Sometimes the

He's kind of getting it already just by virtue of being one of the most public faces of an explosively dysfunctional government that blatantly contradicts itself 24/7 and can't seem to get even one piece of significant legislation passed.

Thank you. All the upvotes if I could. Come talk to some people I know who have been having a hard time getting off their righteous high horse.

The visual of Paul Ryan handing over the Speaker's gavel to Nancy Pelosi is what helps me sleep at night.