The Waltmobile



You obviously lack the fine taste to appreciate Avenged Sevenfold.

You obviously lack the fine taste to appreciate Avenged Sevenfold.

You obviously lack the fine taste to appreciate Avenged Sevenfold.

Very fitting, well done.

Very fitting, well done.

Here's another, almost more appropriate one for the times we live in:

Here's another, almost more appropriate one for the times we live in:

Absolutely, all possible praise be to @Mark_Bowen, he deserves it. The extension truly does make an otherwise terrible experience almost… adequate!

Absolutely, all possible praise be to @Mark_Bowen, he deserves it. The extension truly does make an otherwise terrible experience almost… adequate!

Fuck, I'll do it if no one else will:

Fuck, I'll do it if no one else will:

Fuck, I'll do it if no one else will:

Is there ever a non-appropriate time for an AtS quote? That is the true question.

Is there ever a non-appropriate time for an AtS quote? That is the true question.

If yours was the very last comment to ever be logged on Disqus, it would be perfect.

If yours was the very last comment to ever be logged on Disqus, it would be perfect.

Thank you for that.

Thank you for that.