
Brilliant - Thank you.

This was released in the UK last year, and I was bowled over by it - definitely one of the best of the year for me.

I'm really not sure about his taste in ornaments, though.

The Exterminating Angel
Witty repartee, fine food, glamour, black magic, death, despair and wandering bears… a fine combination.

I'm with Soft Shoe on this. Mean Streets is my favourite movie, bar none. Not necessarily the best movie ever made, but the one that speaks to me on SO many levels.

I've only seen three of his films, but Joan of Arc and Ordet blew me away (Day of Wrath I didn't totally warm to). Neither are much fun though - think Winter Light by Bergmann and slow it down a touch.

This makes me happy
Any new MIA is good MIA

I still haven't caught The Black One yet. Just catching up and am loving 'Monoliths'.

Sunn 0)))
I'm pretty new to this field. Aside from my old Sabbath records, and the first Monster Magnet LP, this is a genre that I have let slide…. but Sunn o)) and Boris and pulling me back in…. So where is Sunn 0)) and for that matter Earth?

Not my favourite genre, but I am slightly surprised by the age of the inclusions and by some omissions. Only three releases were released in the last three years, the bulk in the first couple of years of the decade - why is that?

Solo Campaign
I agree with everything here, including the comments about the solo campaign, which is a bit lame. However, the solo campaign is valuable in one respect - it is the only way to build up the huge amount of coin necessary to afford all of the modifications that are on offer. The amount of coin gained in

Cool. Cheers. I actually have that, but I only read the first chapter - which, on the whole, I liked.

New to Yoko
But I am certainly enjoying the new album. I had no real idea what to expect beyond the reviews I had read, but I figured it was worth a shot. A pleasant surprise.

Curse my incompetent forebears!

And the UK? I mean, I know it's a plane ride an' all, but we'd love to see you too!

Oh yes, The House of Yes. Yes, she was good in that. I really enjoyed that movie, but everyone I have shown it to has been lukewarm.

Bujold was in one of my favourite films, 'Last Night'. It was a just-before-the-millenium movie about the last night before the end of the world. Cronenberg also appears in it as a Gas company executive ringing all his customers to thank them. That was '98 (I think).

Hipster douchebag, or cranky asshole maybe. (And the latter sounds uncomfortable).

Sleeve notes are essential in my opinion. I have learned more from them than almost anywhere else. It is also my chief defence against kids who tell me I ought to download. That, and the wierd pleasure I get from buying THINGS from STORES populated by REAL PEOPLE who tell me interesting things.

Here's my 2centsworth. I teach 16-18 year olds, and have a 12 year old daughter, so I know something of what I say. While it is a generalisation, casket jack is right to get pissed at this. Too many kids nowadays don't know a damned thing about pop culture that stretches beyond the last couple of years. The level of