
For the record, I renounce my European-ness. I can't believe that we gave fiddy the excuse to continue his so-called career.

Not even a brilliant film
I have been getting softer of late, finding it far easier to mist up. But one film that got me even in my hardest, coldest years was The Day of the Dolphin with George C. Scott. Something about the unquestioning, innocent relationship offered by the Dolphins, and the back being turned on them

My Best efforts
have so far been mixed. My 11 year old is certainly picking up some elements of my music tastes, the poppier, lighter ends, but is resisting my strongest efforts with hip hop and indie. That siad, she just started borrowing the Kanye West CDs, so there's hope. As for movies, she is the best educated

The grime scene has been over-shadowed in many respects by the dubstep scene, I guess. That said, if you want to look back at some of the choicest tunes from that scene when it was at its height, I'd recommend the first Run the Road compilation on 679 Records.

For the record Will Oldham has done some soundtrack work. For very small independent movies granted, but it does demonstrate he knows something of what he is talking about.

Have to admit, I prefer the frenetic pace of GT. I often get bored of the novelty of a mash-up pretty quick and want to go off and listen to the originals, but GT is in and out so fast, that urge doesn't take hold.

I never failed to be amused (as a Brit) by Peggy Bundy's family coming from Wanker County in Married… With Children.

Like the guy says: It's decent, but rarely super. Overall, I am worried about this 'Volume One' thing. I fear that the single-albums-worth of greatness is going to be spread over a handful of albums. Each of which, I will buy and feel successively more lukewarm about.

I wasn't aware that she had retired, and hell yes, her live show is hotter than hotter than shit.

There are gazillions kicking around that fit the rules, but the one that immediately jumped into my mind was:

Death of DVD
I stopped buying DVDs a couple of years ago (apart from very select movies, or bargains). I made a choice that I had only SO much money, and I couldn't get everything I wanted. I decided that I would focus on CDs - a choice I haven't regretted at all.

That has to be the most underused filter on the net. Pretty much any profanity is given a pass.

I was underwhelmed by Kinski's autobiography. He is wildly loco, but the book seemed to amount to a list of grievances and bedroom triumphs. Having said all that, I have no doubt that you would muster an entertaining summary of it.

This was the first comic strip that I adored, and as an adult I have wondered what drove Shultz's melancholic outlook. This sounds fascinated - cheers for turning me on to it.

Unforgettable Fire
I know what you guys are saying about The Joshus Tree. I listened to it again this morning - after reading the review - and it does stand up as a classic. But to me, and I guess it is to do with the whens and the wheres, it never hits the depths that The Unforgettable Fire does. Sure, it has some

I only have one Basho CD (Venus in Cancer) and as much as I like it, which I do, and as much as I can see how Chasny has been influenced, which he has, I still turn to Six Organs whenever I want that sound. I must admit to never being quite sure about Basho's singing, which sometimes leaves me cold.

Spine of God is massive. Best metal album to me outside Sabbath.

Hipster Bullshit or not
I like this record and was pleased it got an A. I bought it on the basis of a two minute listen in my local CD store and was not disappointed.