A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Not to mention that it seems like a fairly grueling and unpleasant, if entry-level, job.

Aw, what's going to happen to the ship?

Detention is so great.

Cersei plays the game of Westeros better than anyone the same way Donald Trump plays the game of America better than anyone, mind.

He took Carson's word-salad for jive.

I harbored zero suspicion, when The Man Show started, that Jimmy Kimmel would turn out to be the one I hate less between he and Carolla. But dear god is that so.

Stoop Kid, crushed by his stoop.

Now I'm imagining a Westeros where killing specific ravens is a commonplace act of espionage. Don't want Winterfell and the Eyrie talking to each other for a while? Strangle one bird.

Chris Messina: still the preferred choice for end-of-series love interests.

I applaud the ongoing Reese Witherspoonaissance.

Honestly, if you wiped your ass with the grape leaves first, who would know?

You don't want to know what he did to the dolmades.

Hello, Mrs. Miller, this is Harvey Johnson.

But a good two-thirds of the time it is peppermint or wintergreen flavored, no matter the color!

Only living person worth a damn to be depicted on the series, then.

Every time we cycle through decades as retro fads, I miss the '70s when they go.

Sleepy Hollow fans don't seem to be too fond of the guy.

"Look, if you're not going to help me rid myself of my undead, puppet-mastering monster of a father, I'll just do this fuckton of heroin instead. Ward Meachum out."

Do we know that he's back? I can't see anything about who's showrunning, so I choose to believe he's still off doing god-knows-what to the Inhumans.