A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Lei Kung the Thunderer: The Iron Fist is more than just a weapon…it's a tool as well. We need a tool.

Yeah, she could still wind up doing everything Crane Mother does, all they gotta do is introduce K'un Zi and the other Capitol Cities of Heaven, and it would work fine for Gao to worm her way into the leadership of one of them.

Yeah, I more just going for the angle of what they've meant to people. It's still distasteful.

I think a more apt analogy would be if, like, we found out Harper Lee did some racist shit.

99 Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh' die Welt in Kinja liegen
Hab' 'nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen

The upvote I gave you means nothing. It means less than it already did, so it means less than nothing.

I look forward to the coming increase in my productivity. I'm gonna head over to the Avacado and keep posting there I think, but I doubt it'll keep the same hold on my time.

Oh, it's already happening.

They can use all the good PR they can get.

My housemate is in this video. He had no idea who the fuck Alex Jones was.

No, it's a bit of comic hyperbole birthed from a common observation.

"Women are lesser. Sex and romance with men is for women. Ipso facto, men who sex and romance men are A. lesser and B. fucking stupid and gross for "choosing" to occupy a lesser, womanish place."

Variations on "both giving and getting it are great," mostly. Itwasreallyfar's right, though. Women been offerin' and peggin' for centuries.

Fuuuuck yooooooou monkey's paw.

If anything like this ends up happening in the books, I assume the island and lake are larger and they spend a lot longer waiting.

Didn't Dany leave Daario behind specifically so she would be prepared to marry the most suitable/useful match among the nobility of Westeros?

Not even a white walker, just an undead mook.

Or Tracksuit Draculas.

In the macro sense, he spent his initial purchase on n00b shit and had to grind through Bakuto and Gao anyway.

On the one hand, good! Danny responded to Luke's dressing down about his unthinking privilege by reflecting and changing his tactics accordingly.