A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Hotel, to its credit, seemed to swiftly figure out who its actually compelling characters were. It also featured absolutely beautiful production design.

Pedro Pascal looking fine as all hell.

Well that was certainly an inevitable breakup.

Points for knocking off Owen Wilson's head with a giant wrecking ball, though.

That (ramen as well) is definitely a student/starving artist staples here in the States as well.

Everyone knows actresses spend their free time devising radio guidance systems.

Hot take: Annie Lennox is a treasure.

I liked the one where the kid only ate white or transparent food, and this was apparently supposed to be a scary thing.

Left her there and then erased that future.

But not the good kind, like you want.

There was the day they brought the "drunk-glasses" and everybody wanted a pair for themselves to keep.

Annex did something similar a few years ago called c.1993 that worked really well. It focused in on despised women of the year like Courtney Love and Lorena Bobbit, though.

Maybe he briefly dissociated in time and thought he was watching Chess in Concert again, and Josh Groban barely fought off the impulse to sing "Anthem" in response.

There's a war going on out there, somewhere/
And Groban isn't cool.

The one who's in love with Cathy?

*smooths dress*

Sanderson finished it ages ago, but it came off more like one of his books than a real finale of Jordan's series.

Well, he went on a stupendously manchild-ish bender first, but yeah, his honest commitment and passion is part of what makes him so likable.

I've always wondered how "cuck" works as an insult in LGBT circles. Like what, so I enjoy watching my boyfriend fuck a guy in front of me. And then I fuck that guy too. So, who's the cuckold?

I was actually of excited about the Gore Vidal/William Buckley rumors.