A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

This all could have been avoided had they left the Lady in a Cage bit out.


I just hope Kate Nash gets a horse.

1) Ruth - I like antihero theatre kids. I like Alison Brie. I thought Rachel Berry in early-Glee was fantastic.
2) Sam - I've been compared to Marc Maron by people more than a few times, and I never knew how to take it. I'm now taking it as a compliment.
3) Cherry - Just a wonderful, respectful take on the talented,

Right. There's a funny doubling going on with homosexuality and a sort of "fuck you, I'm not the freak, you just suck. In fact, you don't deserve to live if you think about it logically" elitism that colors the murder. All three are guilty of both, and they bleed into each other in psychologically disturbing ways.

I was in a Lyft this weekend and the driver had the radio tuned to MSNBC, listening to this. We sat there in silence, not knowing each others political leanings, until Karem said this and I instinctively clapped at the end. The rest of the ride was a lot of fun.

I was precisely the right age for Harry Potter when they were released—a preteen when Sorcerer's Stone made it to America, and a freshman in college for Deathly Hallows. I definitely did the midnight releases for a few of them, but they were never my big obsession—I had Discworld for that. I've always thought of

People may not seem to like Taylor Swift all that much, but do not get into a public feud with her. Do not.

See, I thought AS2 had really weak lip syncs (with the exception of Tatiana v. Alyssa). Lip syncing for a prize and the "right" to eliminate someone wasn't a great motivator.

Mine licks and tries to suckle and knead my neck.

We tried both rubber bands and tying cabinet handles together with string to stop ours from doing it, and he somehow started getting them off.

Single Income, No Kids

With Ward Meachum as leader, having broken the MCU/Marvel Television barrier through sheer force of disgust.

Steve Austin's Broken Skull Ranch.

Viscous racism. Thick. Slow-moving. Sticks to fucking everything. Gooey and gross.

I've always enjoyed the tack of people giving it shit for not including the signing of the Magna Carta, atheatrical as the complaint is. "Yes, let's write a play about this guy and not show the most important thing he did."

"We just did a production of Macbeth set in gangland Chicago."
"Oh, a fresh take."

Not for nothing, but Catch Me If You Can was on last night, and holy shit, the casting in that movie is insane. I think every actress who played a girl Leonardo DiCaprio slept with went on to be famous. They all get about thirty seconds of screen-time between them, mind you.

Newspapers: not Britain's greatest export.

I was shocked that the third season of Burning Love was based on an actual thing that The Bachelor franchise does and not an absurd concept they came up with out of whole cloth.