A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

How quasi?

Lesson learned: when you've got a lead character you're struggling to get the audience behind, have them break their goddamn hand punching through ice to save someone. And then shoot their dad. Punch out the impotence, Archiekins.

How else is the man supposed to appear on every channel, simultaneously for 8 hours a day?

Way to utilize the element of surprise, Fiona. Did she and Rumple not talk about what they were going to do next?

They're not being particularly coy with spoilers, and the book doesn't play so much with reveals as it does constantly drop small bits of information that allow you to put the pieces together before Shadow does. You might have put together who Wednesday is already—there's only one or two big "REVEAL" reveals that are

Red Fairy. Tiger Lily is the Red Fairy. Once Upon a Time sucks at naming fairies.

This pilot had a murderers row of fantastic middle-aged character actresses in small parts. I liked seeing Beth Grant in a more relaxed role as well.

Has she ever told anyone she is/was a fairy before? You'd think that would have come up.

Holy shit the redheaded theater girl just. Kept. Talking. She should stick to raising the roof off racism..

I'm still hoping Elsie and the Lesser Hemsworth will pop up next season as captives of the revolting Hosts. For balance reasons they couldn't do much last season, but now the narrative has room for humans who aren't total monsters.

Dear White People,

I choose to believe a "seadon" is a Once Upon a Time-specific unit of time.

Yeah, but get it off basic cable. Make the elderly go to extremes for it.

Nothing with Erykah Badu as a bayou goddess in it can be all bad.

They kind of just say "YES HE WAS," "NO HE WASN'T" at each other until the argument seriously escalates.

Billy Eichner shouldn't appeal to me, but he really really does. I could watch him argue with women on the street about whether or not Denzel Washington ever played the Phantom of the Opera forever.

He was also pretty good in The Normal Heart as the self-proclaimed "Southern Bitch" based on Rodger McFarlane.

A stage musical adaptation may or may not be doing its pre-Broadway run here in a month or two, and I may or may not have tickets.

"Stronger Together" wasn't a perfect campaign slogan, but it was better than "I'm with Her" by a factor of about fifty.

Way to go, France.