A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

One of them has colored hair? Good for her, you do you…Kylie? Christopher?

Aw, I gave them nicknames and everything! There's Boring Main Guy Whose Boyfriend Will Be Dumping Him Before the End of the Season, Likeable Trashtwink Whose Boyfriend Will Be Dumping Him Next Week, Fussy Foreigner, TV-Ready Bear, the 21-Year-Old, and Dorian Gray.

Representing things Marvel expects the audience to hate has been part of Tony from the start, though. From Stan Lee: “I think I gave myself a dare. It was the height of the Cold War. The readers, the young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the military. So I got a hero who represented that

It's a superstition shared between China and Japan as far as I understand it. The word for "four" sounds a lot like the word for "death" in both languages.

That child looks sad.

I miss when the Mariners were the only major Seattle team we didn't make fun of.

I'm hoping so too. I think I remember Tommy making a pointed comment to Nora about giving someone/something away during the party scene.

Sometimes it's appropriate though, and the story whose thesis is that the American identity is fundamentally an immigrant identity might qualify.

Having worked seasonally in a Halloween store, at least it's not "Grim Grinning Ghosts."

Untucked Talk: is it just me, or are the goodbye segments at the end longer this year? They've all been very sweet so far as well. It seems to me they're trying to give each queen one last chance to make a good impression (and hopefully preempt some of the hatefulness from the megafans).

But have you ever seen a giraffe's tongue?

And even more bonded by shared experiences and history. Transwomen were there at Stonewall, and no matter how many different stories people tell about who threw the first brick, everyone agrees they were there and heavily involved. We don't get to boot our fellows out of a foxhole they dug.

She's decent—she doesn't have much expertise, but reviewers who don't make snark their stock-in-trade are a rarity, and she's one.

She writes theatre reviews for a small nearby paper now. No one here knows what to make of it.

Here comes the head! And the neck! And the neck! And some more neck!

My boyfriend (who occasionally does drag) has psoriasis too, and that's a big deal for him with his makeup choices. That struggle is real.

There's a little power to that, I thought, given that the one real myth about Persephone we remember today is the story of her being kidnapped and raped. Her showing up as a positive figure in this context made sense.

And anyway, there were two thieves next to him and one of them was saved. That's a 50% success rate.

Two good things! Two! Ah ah ah.

He's a kid who can do serious gymnastics. They're usually missing a few standard socialization things, but we let it slide because they can do backflips and they're going to be fine.