A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

No thanks, I'd rather make out with my Marilyn Monroe-bot.

If you've found anything to like in Baz Luhrmann's better stuff, like Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet or Moulin Rouge!, this is worth a shot.

Please God let the plot not be about that one detective hounding Mom-Voltron.

Are you…are you going to hurt these women?

How could we? She's here to help her people out.

Godfather's lunch buffet used to be one of my favorite things growing up. I'll defend their awful/amazing taco pizza to the death.

Thank you for only adding an edit, and keeping it there. That just made my day.

I see a chance to bring up Kiss Kiss Bang Bang here and by God I'm going to take it.

Turns out trying to play Beauty and the Beast for more than 85 minutes without things getting sexist and emotionally abusive is hard.

I knew two people who were genuinely that bad about it, but they were both queer women of color, so whoops.

Peter Pan and the Black Fairy. Man, Rumple never had a chance, and apparently Gideon calls his great-grandmother "mother."

Forget it, Jake, it's PUMAtown.

I've been busy, okay?

We'll always have America Chavez's Young Avengers entrance. "I was on Earth-212" slayed me at the time.

*Frank Cho tents his fingers, cackles*

Last I knew they were celebrating the first new mutant births in years. For the third time in about two years.

Just what we needed. A Druish princess.

Worst Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ever.

ABC doesn't really have anything that's a natural fit with American Crime.

Bird Hamlet.