A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

None of the O'Reilly wannabes bring that combination of assholery that stupid people mistake for authority, and reflexes fast enough to cut the mics of guests who might puncture their false narratives. So they have to do AM radio.

Man, DC You was a great launch. Omega Men and Prez and Midnighter, all at once.

Eh, Aaron's The Mighty Thor and Pak's Totally Awesome Hulk are both excellent books, and Wilson's Ms. Marvel is a genuine home run. And I'd hazard a guess that the writer who's raising two black preteens didn't create Miles or Riri solely to pat himself on the back—parents tend to do better when it's their children

This is really the heart of the issue. Stuff like putting Moon Girl in Scholastic book fairs is a good start, but it's not the sort of thing you abandon when it doesn't show immediate results.

"Kidnappings Perpetrated by a Giant Chicken with Thomas Edison's Brain," She Wrote

I managed to convince my mom to go all "A Christmas Story" on the TV whenever my dad did that—she was close to that point already, just needed a little encouragement. Also a reminder that she knows how to watch TV on her tablet and my dad hasn't figured that out.


That was my immediate reaction to that casting as well. "Wait, who's supposed to be Oscar?"

I could have gone my whole life not knowing that Gwenyth Paltrow had a "Skincare/Lifestyle" line called Goop and been happier for it. So thanks for that, Tiff.

My guess is it'd be played as though blaming Danny lets her avoid processing everything that happened with Harold.

We're not too good to make Degrassi: The Next Generation jokes whenever Drake comes up here, are we?
The poor kid just wants to play basketball.

I'm still looking forward to Caroline's reaction to Danny smacking a gun out of Harold's hand and running away.

In fairness, he shares that version of the "working class" with every fucking major media outlet, because fuck everything shit fuck hell.

Wrinkled punks who are still punks are the best punks, so it stands to reason that the ones who fell out of it sucked to begin with.

"Why did Dad just text us that he loves us unconditionally?"
I think that was the moment my heart broke for Robert.

I was reminded of Ang Lee's use of split screen to approximate comic panels in Hulk. Only it just happened the one time, and wasn't a part of any sort of visual language they were crafting.

And every time he comes back, he makes sure to tell Ward how disappointed he is.

I practiced Tae Kwon Do as a teen, too (if we ever have to fight people on horseback, unarmed, you and I are set).
Normal sparring wouldn't get sexy ever. "Sticky hands," though, can get flirty fast if you aren't careful.

You know how Marvel has shitty/mediocre comics artists in their stable who they're clearly keeping around because they can hit deadlines, not because of the quality of their work?
Scott Buck : Marvel Television :: Greg Land : Marvel Comics.

I'll warn you against watching the Robot Chicken "Hillary Duff in The Diary of Anne Frank" sketch then.