A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Hasn't Kansas already done, like, half of that work itself recently?

Honestly, anything they do with Karen is a better shake than she got in the comics. Literally anything.

"That Harold is not like this Harold, this is a new Harold that I don't know./
Somehow it all reminds me of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/
When right before my eyes a man that I work for has turned into a man who murdered me!"

Yep, that's pretty much how I imagine Diane Ladd.

I caught a glimpse of the smiley, focus-pulling Pit Crew (Jason?) on stage with the queens while Sasha was giving her coronation speech, but he was just to the side of her for about two seconds before it cut away. When they showed group shots, he wasn't there. Not sure what's going on with that.

Hell, a show with a lot of of a Buddhist warrior monk (even a deeply flawed one) navigating corporate ethics could be interesting. If they'd, you know, write it.

She's one of my absolute favorites.

The end of the season is really not a good place to finish off—they're asking far too much patience of the audience. It's the TV version of decompression. Danny finally getting it through his skull that he's fucked up should be the midseason/episode 6 cliffhanger in a 13 episode run, not the season 1 finale.


Oh hey, it's that guy I've wanted to punch in the face for over a decade.

I love the bit in Immortal Iron Fist where some Hydra agents escape her, Misty and Luke by getting in an elevator and heading down, and Misty sics her on them because one of them yells "Hail Hydra" just as the doors close. So she jumps down an elevator shaft sword-first after them to kill that one first.

Well, not the common wisdom that parties face an uphill battle to retain the presidency after holding it for 8 years. That was common wisdom we should have paid more attention to.

And she got to do it to the best musical cue of the season.
Iron Fist's "well now I have to listen to everything by this artist" sequence doesn't come until episode 12. Oh hi, Anderson .Paak.

It's especially lazy to introduce Zhao Cheng, and have a Crane Mother-esque figure in Madame Gao, and Davos, and call the former two part of the Hand. Those three characters have specific allegiances in the comics, too, but not to the Hand; it's to specific and resonant parts of K'un Lun's mythology.

It was a really dumb thing to say, but I think there's a tiny bit of a point there. They seem to have tried to tell a story about a guy who actually does share a good bit in common with the mango gremlin (Caroline's analysis of that monologue was spot on, I thought), but who's trying to better—it's just that, even

Wait, what? You're fucking kidding me.

But something's going to happen that means we're all going to have very conflicted feelings by the time we get there.

At one point they were alien broccoli people. It was not a good point.

Yeah, the show has a weird relationship with showing and telling. It's not just that they continuously tell what they should show, they're playing stuff they need to tell us outright too coyly as well.

That's all I remember about the first 12 episodes of Legends.

He said he had tutors for Art, Music, and P.E. I took the implication to be that his mom was teaching him everything else.