A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

He's less sexy without his Castro-Clone moustache, but Murray Bartlett is still a delight to watch.

I'm hoping that potential season 2's of this and Luke Cage turn into Heroes for Hire and Daughters of the Dragon.

What if we give the monkeys crystal meth and say it was weed?

"Gorilla" isn't a racial slur? I've seen racist assholes chucking it at Michelle Obama for 8 years, and it's not because she picks bugs off her silver-haired husband's scalp.

I'm down with the Neo-Pagans if only because I know a few trans-persons who worship Odin as a God of Trans-persons, boundary-crossing, and wisdom attained through self-annihilation and recreation, and I'm sure that fucks with the assholes' worldviews mercilessly.

Angel from Hell just kinda went poof, didn't it? Did it ever even air?

The Ghost Sonata is some funny shit. Mummies appearing out of nowhere to snatch men in wheelchairs and whatnot.

If only Agent Carter had lasted longer…
I was holding out hope that Mr. Carter was going to turn out to be Jimmy Woo.

It brought a few good things like the One as a colonizing villain, and Pei, but otherwise yeesh. Way too grimdark for Danny.

It's still a good X-Men title, though, yes? I'm Torn.

You are of the Pantheon.
You will not be loved.
You will be hated.
You should be hated.
You are living shit.

Mobile First, bitches!

The romance-novel cut never did anything for me. This is I'll be in my bunk fine.

Do we really think the kids who rubbed it in their eyes were trying to get drunk? That sounds more like something a kid could stupidly do for any number of terrible reasons that don't require a Dateline special.

No, he's in love with Obama. Stop trying to snake my personal crazy theory, Schwarzenegger.

They/we really need to start organizing these things further in advance, publicizing better, and maybe trying to get a few big corporations to endorse and say they won't take action against employees who strike.

I took it as the flipside of her "fearlessness" in the role. She knows damn well how ugly she's making herself look and that is painful for her, but she also fully intended to do it and no one's going to see the tear she cries when she sees it for the first time.

God bless this stupid, stupid show.

Is "alternative information" supposed to sound better or something?

If anyone can survive several rounds of poisoning, Parker may be that person.