A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Nah, this is just steam blowing off. When I feel like hating Russia with every fiber of my being I read Russian authors, because they do it so much better.

Eh, he has a point. Name a point in history, any time in history, where Russia wasn't a problem for everyone else.

Disney created a character who was meant to parody of the subtextually gay villainous sidekicks they keep creating in Enchanted, and he was still only subtextually gay.

Does anyone else get the sense that for Trump this is actually all about Obama, in a Single White Female sort of way? He can't decide if he wants to erase the guy, become him, blame him, or fuck him.

It's only "un-manly" to be the one pissed on, would be my guess. Pissing on Russian whores would just be taken as a demonstration of virility.

That screencap of Amanda's face never fails to crack me up. Nice run, Randall!

You only learned what "deep state" is from a listicle last week.

So anyone in any way opposed to Trump should be investigated, but his administration is beyond suspicion. Got it.

And stupid-big Big Macs! Because the regular Big Mac isn't the bigly-est burger anymore.

They managed to make Raul Castillo eating someone's face not-fun to watch. They're history's greatest monsters.

It only works in red areas. In the cities, they do background checks.

He cried a tear about it so it's all better now.

I once accompanied a young cousin into a Hot Topic (their pick), and wound up buying a "Deez Nuts '16" cap for myself. I'm not proud of this fact, and I'm not sure when I thought I would wear it.

We must have dodged some kind of serious bullet not watching most of his TV projects is all I can think.

Emma Watson's auto-tuned voice in the trailers is rough to listen to.

I could have sworn Timothy Spall's character in Enchanted was explicitly gay, but I guess I was wrong.

Kindly refrain from telling me what I can and cannot find fault in. He was a monstrous personification of America's Jungian shadow-self, as always.

Enjoy your opiate addiction!

Oh, they got your point. That's why they insulted you. Hopefully your children emancipate themselves as soon as possible.

I thought pictures of him were screencaps of Damon in The Informant! when I first saw them. Confused the fuck out of me.