A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I am Mae West, whom no man will ever possess

I think people aren't counting the rich guy throwing some money at it as meaningful payment. It may literally be payment, but "paid for his crimes" still feels wrong to say. Also I'm Still Here wasn't good enough to forgive that level of douchebaggery.

Intentionally giving the dude a broken chair to sit in all night and then never mentioning it because the punchline got pre-empted may actually be the better prank.

This actually turned out to be one of the first installments' big strengths, I thought. Cleve, Roma and Ken all spend much of the time getting lectured by their queer forbearers. Near the end all three are gathered together and given their marching orders by a Mattachine-esque queen, Cleve and the Nicest John in the

This reminded me of some info about Kramer (not Shilts), but man, it's fucking weird and indicative of how fucking scary AIDS was at its nadir and how drastically the fight for liberation changed that the author of Faggots wound up a heroic LGBT icon.

The stupidity of "three strikes" laws can accomplish much.

I assumed she was responding to that theory that her envelope had gotten handed back to an accountant and accidentally reused—the story was only in the aether for about 5 minutes before it dissipated, but her quote popped up immediately after.

Hey, we thought Scalia would subsist himself on pure spite for the next three decades at least, and look what happened.

Nah, neither he nor the guy who stepped up to put an end to it were the director. He was in the background at that moment.

If there's one thing Lin-Manuel Miranda can't do, it's write a new song.

I can't think of any snark to add because that last paragraph already does it all so succinctly.

It gets a pass for not being Oleanna-level "the world is a worse place for this having been written."

The trick Gillen pulled with her characterization in Young Avengers was pretty neat. The other Young Avengers were explicitly dealing with disillusionment with their role models and looking toward America as a new source of inspiration—and then Gillen reveals that she had quietly gone through that exact same arc early

Only if the civics test is completely insane and one that 9 out of 10 American citizens wouldn't be able to pass. Then we only make the ones we don't want voting take it.

It's also just a weird part to categorize in terms of "lead" or "supporting." Rose takes a while to come into focus, but ultimately the "lead" character is diminished and then killed off before the third act and the rest of the story belongs to her. What the hell do you call that?

My boyfriend did this. I have nothing to add except that he says it doesn't violate the rule of three.

The writers beat the audience to #justiceforethel in her introduction, if that's at all indicative to you.

Oh, so that's why other-dimensional refugees are causing so much trouble in Jessica Jones.

*France turns its head 90 degrees*

I legitimately only started watching this season because I saw a snapshot of Shirley's face and went "ooh, her! I love her!"