A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

And really, how different are a cult's practices from normal entertainment business networking?

It was said a few weeks ago, but it bears repeating:

It means she'd be made up to look very different from the character she's played so far this season. Lana is still alive and kicking and shooting Dylan McDermott in the present, she's just rather aged.

It would suck hard, but it would suck less than Flora not having closure, showing up in Roanoke years later trying to find out the truth and getting roped back into this bullshit. Better she simply hate her dead mother.

Setting it in WWI makes it more about Diana grappling with the concept of war in general, and the loss of life it incurs. WWII would make it a simpler "The Bad Side Has To Be Stopped!"

I heard "Dylan."

I kept expecting something to step out of that damn shower.

Self-important actors everywhere cringe in recognition.

(It will get there anyway. They just ask you to.)

I don't believe you. Post all the links and data you like, I don't believe you. I'm taking an Onion exception.

It starts to feel more coherent when you imagine Jones and Bee are precisely the leads of The Detour.

I'm beginning to think that the existence of this is some Black Mirror thing between the Internet and me. I can't convince anyone I know in real life that it exists.

"Like the science fiction novels before Mary Shelley went and got that Wollstonecraft stink on it. Novels like—"

Mary Shelley already did this by doing the opposite so hard it circled back around.

But a piece of entertainment loosely based on Lost will be the most popular thing around.

You're totally right—I browsed quickly and missed that it being Marlowe was the major story here.

Next you'll suggest Pericles or Two Noble Kinsmen have co-writers!

If they pull a Peggy Carter/Sharon Carter with Steve Trevor I will laugh and laugh.

"Hey, 'Was I Wazir?' is kind of a fun so—-"