A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap


And was sexy as hell.

It wasn't even "can't we all get along," it was "reinforce my ego, because I Am A Gruff, Middle-Aged Paragon of Decency and I need you to know you're not meeting my moral standards."

Queen of the Proletariat, Mother of Nations, Brilliant Genius of Humanity and Gardener of Human Happiness.

I guess my point is, the night has largely become a moment of cultural legend. LGBT people of all stripes have good reason to want to plant their flag there and say "someone like me was there fighting the good fight." I'm not about to quibble with someone constructing the cultural heroes they need, however they

I thought it was well deserved. However. Kat-ya. Petro-vna. Zamolodchikova. Detox rose quite a bit in my estimation as well—I like her approach to stuff.

The Taiwanese ghost lady basically just doing Ju-On was hilariously lazy.

The globe-spanning, Epic of Gilgamesh-started prose survey that every freshman was required to take was pretty great too. From the start of recorded fiction to Medea to The Golden Ass to St. Augustine (who I hated like I've never hated anyone) to Othello and The Prince taught in tandem and culminating in Beloved. God,

I still remember my Norton anthology of poetry from Freshman year of college. A globe-spanning, three-thousand year long collection of poetry that culminated in Leonard Cohen's Suzanne. I loved that.

He's impossibly-perfect-boyfriend-Superman, and I've always kinda liked him as such. To me, he's more there to support Midnighter.

Which is precisely the level of discourse those "I'm an Energy Voter" ads are promoting, and a space in which Hillary Clinton actually has room to maneuver and sell her vision for where we're going. Still a relief to get the usual bullshit instead of the ultra-mega-bullshit we've been stuck with this election cycle.

Thank you, LaToya, for that picture reminding us all of the glory that is Rebel Doctor. Look at him! He's riding a motorcycle through the hospital! Look how shocked his coworkers are by his devil-may-care attitude! He's so edgy!

I assumed he'd watched far too much CNN and had heard the phrase "I'm an Energy Voter" (I assume it's some oil company astroturf bullshit, but that ad plays constantly) so many times that he'd latched onto it as a substantive-sounding idea that, as a bonus, has almost nothing to do with vaginas.

Eh, Becker's had a bit of an edge to it. It was the sort of natural response we've seen a lot of in the news media, upset about the level of discourse but expressing it in such a way that only tangles the knot further. Bone asked a genuine question that seemed to plead by example for an actual substantive response.

Oh, that's the premise for the Good Wife spin-off? That could actually work. More Christine Baranski's always a good thing.

I'm actually totally cool with Ken Bone costumes as a trend for Halloween this year. It's both a costume and a gentle, walking reminder to vote.

I'd forgotten about that! That was nicely done as well.

The fog of history's gotten pretty thick around the precise order of events that night (and you could imagine, lots of people there might claim to have led the charge, and the "true histories," as opposed to the leering "Queen Bees Stinging Mad" NYT headlines and unfunny jokes that they were all just upset about Judy

She was the only part of that entire musical that worked (the rest…if you've seen The Producers, why bother?), but she worked like crazy.

The final conversation between Kenny and Allison, with Allison revealing that she had, in fact, come out to someone for the very first time today and showing off her rainbow socks (but not both of them. She's gay, not a whore), was very sweetly done. What a nice surprise to see something like that on network TV.