A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

And Carol's getting the original Civil War-Iron Man treatment.

This was funny as hell. I think "Broken Pussy" was the best laugh I've had in months. Between this, High Maintenance and Westworld, HBO's killing it with their new programming.

I've never seen the Broadway show, but a regional production I saw done in promenade style was actually really fucking cool.

The recent producer drama (and especially learning that the main show and Untucked have different producers) makes me really fucking wonder about season seven. I hated Ginger based on some of the stuff that happened in Untucked, and I have to wonder now if one of the Untucked producers just really had it out for her

With the caveats that after not being a fan of either of their attitudes in season 5 I'm finding Detox and Roxxxy to both have refreshingly mature and healthy attitudes this season and that I've always been a fan of Alaska:

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

For a dude who doesn't seem all that bad (at least, I've never read anything awful about him), terrible assholes sure love Kiefer Sutherland.


"That makes [him] smart."

That treacherous Hillary, preparing.

Dread Abuela's the one that makes me giggle. Hilldawg and Hillz both lack imagination.

"Peggy Carter and the Agents of A.T.L.A.S."

Main character gets to kiss Tom Selleck. It gets a pass.

But what of her bewitching performance in Harriet the Spy?

Now, now.

Every single piece of bait she threw. He took every single one, and it was amazing. I'm not sure what was better, when she laid out possible reasons he hasn't released his taxes and he jumped in to confirm that it's because he doesn't pay federal income tax, or that time he had a stroke and couldn't stop saying "Sean

"These things happened. They were glorious and they changed the world… and then we fucked up the end game."

This is it, this is the exact moment this election breaks me. Omarosa promising forced supplication.

There's this Hallmark movie called A Christmas Kiss that, no joke, may be one of the best terrible, terrible movies I've ever seen. Its Rom-Com Bitch is a truly a thing to behold, and is hit squarely in the face multiple times both before and after she gets an unsuccessful nose job. It's something else, and I highly

I once saw him play the Stage Manager in a (really great) production of Our Town.