A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I think part of the strength is, no matter what sort of fantasies or theories you like to use to interface with the world, at least one of seasons 2 through 6 will speak powerfully to you, with season 1 as a more universal grounding point.

Caught more of it OnDemand.

Ooh, ooh! Is it the all-powerful anti-seatbelt lobby?

Streaming has been good to other distinctive artists I love who other people like to shit on (Sense8, The Get Down ) so why the hell not.

I kind of feel for Phi Phi. She's clearly worked like hell on her drag since season 4, but she still responds really poorly to competitive stress.

I don't get what's wrong with 2-liters of Talking Rain or Tahoma. Like, what, the Perrier next to it on the grocery store shelf made you feel inadequate or something?

If you get that impression from the one in the heart of downtown, on Pike near the market, that's because it is obviously a front for illicit activity.

There's a pretty popular comic whose villain is him if he had a Daft Punk aesthetic. It's only a little bit over the top.

Especially given that, as they're noting, film is collaborative and few people or no one else on set was privy to this. Their work counts, too. Actors who step onto a Roman Polanski set know what they're getting into. Here?

Goddamned it, why's it gotta be a fucking 12 flag? Our actual logo is legitimately my favorite in the NFL.

The X-Men: Legacy run it seems loosely inspired by was very off-model, auteurish and lovely as well—they could do something really fun with it.

Seriously. I watched the whole first season of this, and all I got was a shirtless, pre-The 100 Ricky Whittle.

Having done Mamet, I appreciate the impulse.

Between the two, I'd choose "upsetting."

All Greece Hates

Alyssa is a god damn unique star in the RuPaul constellation. I don't know that I'd call her a winner, (she's not on my fantasy team), but no discussion of Drag Race is complete without her. Girl embodies a primal gay obsession, camp.

He goes all Pet Semetary on Enkidu. Boom. Writes itself. The Walls of Uruk.

"It’s too crunchy, and the toffee flavor lingers in a way that’s fairly unpleasant—again, even for people who like toffee."

Yes, but the argument is that it should thus be treated with the kid gloves you'd treat saravee26's Harry Potter slashfic bease it means something to people. It shouldnt. That people are moved by it only enhances the need to interrogate it. It's important to ask just who Miranda seems to be a fan of, how that affects

I've seen people try to claim that Hamilton is beyond academic criticism by claiming it as a a work of "fanfic." That crazytrain left the station years ago.