A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Scream Queen is not at all the direction I expected her career to go, but damned if she isn't excellent at it.

Exploitation in a meaningful sense, though. The history lecture they ignore at the beginning while drawing dicks on notebook paper shines a really different light on what follows.

Occupy Avengers would be a hard pass for me if it weren't written by Walker. He's a strong new voice at Marvel, his Power Man and Iron Fist is loads of fun but still grounded in a compelling way, too.

The only premium channel I get is HBO—I think Cinemax (that's where Outcast is, right?) made a deal with them, because the pilot showed up on my HBO OnDemand but no further episodes did. Realizing I wasn't going to be able to watch any more was a major bummer, because that was a hell of a pilot. I just remember it was

I've been reading Gore Vidal's Burr this weekend.

I got the impression Ruby's family was well-off. And there's about a million questions to ask about the two of them together that will never get posed

One of those occasions where I was fine not knowing how the sausage is made.

Not to disagree (the left has a serious problem with turnout. The reasons are complicated and varied), but the fact that we can all reference Nader implies they didn't just appear out of thin air this cycle.

Rellik laires a si sinned.

…are you going to hurt these women?

My boyfriend finally put together who Catherine Meyer is based on halfway through her speech.

Ba dum *falls off stage into crocodile pit. The screams linger*


This was a wonderful, historic night. It's long past time we had a woman in the White House.

For as much as I despise Trump, this Sad! thing still cracks me up. May it be his most lasting legacy.

Spider-Man: Turn off The Dark

Thank you. I was unaware of what Randy Quaid had to say on this issue. I'm sure his take is very enlightening.

That "the revolution" doesn't end here doesn't mean we need to turn into crazy people about the presidential election. There are plenty of other races and causes that desperately need that energy.

He's also navigating a split that's different in nature than the Obama/Clinton divide—the same course of action wouldn't necessarily engineer the same result.

So there's no way Ruby's not coming back at some point now, right?