A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Definitely gloop-inclusive.

"Sentient tapioca" is my go-to Worthington/food metaphor.

I'm not sure if it needed to spend more or less time on Erin and Abby's conflict, but the amount they chose didn't work for me.

All I can imagine is that they think they're defending themselves from the witchcraft in this article.

Despite having read a bunch of Stephen King, it just hit me that Salem is short for Jerusalem and that's why Puritans had such a boner for naming their towns that.

I buy that people would read Dio's blog religiously.

Totally. That probably came off more as disagreement than I meant. But still, some degree of out-there tension seems like a necessity for really great comedy.

Though there was also Graham Chapman inducing anarchy there.

Respectfully disagree. That character took me on a journey—I went from knee-jerk distaste to fascination to intense sympathy with her.

Call people what they ask to be called and fuck the logic of it, I say.

At least Regina King got a nod for her (excellent) work in (the excellent) American Crime.

Always a relief when the mediocre, juggernaut award/nomination gobblers end.

All four of the Acting in a Limited Series/Movie categories are stacked. Holy hell.

Sports Night > The West Wing > Studio 60 > The Newsroom.

"Parents trying to protect and come to terms with their strange, wondrous children" is a pretty good angle for an X-Men show, all things considered.

Witness the Gay/Lesbian section of Netflix, and despair.

After that twist got revealed the "bachelor" just started trying to ferret out the straight guys so he could get some money (if he picked one of the straight guys, the other guy got all of it. If he picked a gay man, they got to split the money). They were vaguely on track for something that resembled a dating show

"If your face hurts my fist, I will punch you again harder."

Knowing the rest of McDonagh's work, I think "comedy" is the way he'd define what he does. Whether the majority of audiences find "The Lieutenant of Inishmore" hilarious is up for debate, but he's the kind of guy who writes a 20 minute long scene with an actor being tortured while hung upside down by his feet and

Discount Anna Camp! I loved her last season.