A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

And on or near the top of list of "groups with a legitimate claim they need high-caliber weapons to defend themselves from a tyrannical government," we have…

But all he had to do in Cradle of Life was do chin-ups and look pretty—the proper usage of Gerard Butler.

I miss shipping Garak and Bashir.

I think I just automatically associate Neal McDonough with toughs, so I went to security officer.

I think the random security officer who got a lot of reaction shots, then got Borg'ed when they were spacewalking on the Enterprise in First Contact was meant to be gay as well. His partner was a Vulcan diplomat who got some page time in the novelization, as I recall.

I really dig the way Joshua critiques things he has problems with. He's one of my favorite writers on the site (and I'm easily exhausted by "negativity").

Find a way to include the Grey Griffin without all the Young Griff ballyhoo, and cast him! He could just be another dude who joins up with Daenerys because of revenge-y reasons.

"Whoever wrote this episode should die!"

Which is strange, since as i understood the characters Sam at least would totally write a twist like this. And if youre treating superheroes from Jewish creators as golems, well, the threat of golems turning against their makers is as golem-y as it comes.

A local regional theater company that does books on stage (directly books on stage, using the text and not just the dialogue as the play's script) did it as a marathon Nicholas Nickelby-esque play. It was fantastic.

That people don't look at the Hydra!Cap twist and think "well, this sounds like a hell of a Sam Wilson story" still baffles me.

Also anchored by a Daily Show alumnus to boot.

Given Broadway chorus dudes and their proclivity for stripping anyways, this should be the easiest casting process ever.

I thought I understood having a presidential candidate be against you as a person but I can't imagine having this sort of uncoded hate thrown at you, to be told you're not even worth being ashamed of hating…

I caught it again recently and was genuinely surprised by how much Jim West's race comes up, and how much the movie lets it inform the conflict without distracting from a "fun" tone. Especially for a dumb summer movie based on an old TV show that didn't have any of that subtext, it's impressive.

Cowboys and Aliens should have been taking notes.

I saw the pearls, and they were clutched.

I don't think the idea of Patrick and Dom ending up together is meant to be taken seriously—even for a trailer cut, Dom shuts that down pretty hard.

Channel Orange was really, really great.

Of course Paddy fucked off back to Denver. Of course he did.