A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I wish there actually were some sort of "gay card" that we could revoke. Because then we could revoke his, then give it back so we could revoke it again, and just keep doing that forever.

That final scene between David and Nate Sr. has been ringing in my mind since Orlando. I hope others are finding strength in it, too.

I once saw a leaked early draft of 2. Basically anything of interest, like the Agammemnon bloodbath of a finale, got cut from that one.

That was one of the strongest element of the first season, I thought. That Nice Guy love interest is a familiar bug of darker female-driven dramas—they seem to want the love interest to be a sort of Jiminy Cricket to the female lead's Pinnochio, but it tends to just turn into a man constantly lecturing a more

I kinda lose sympathy from him the more I hear from him, actually. He's kinda crossed the line from "telling his story" to "actively terrorizing young gay actors."

They were already walking a fine line with him though (and largely pulling it off early on), so the decline in quality hit that character hard.

There's a whole lot more variations on a toxicly masculine gay man than just a closet case or Omar, though. Could be interesting to see one.

I think Madison and Yael are being set up for Rachel to do something really really awful to them. That conversation between them was too women-having-each-others-backs for it to be otherwise.

And oddly specific in its parody.

It's entertaining to watch talented people use their talents and be pleasant to each other without obvious manipulation. Who'da thunk.

It running across the spinning steps just made my day.

Plus, you know, Republican governor. Senate seat. No leave-y.


I'll have to premise this with:

I'm feeling oddly strong. I don't know if it means I'm a sociopath or that it hasnt landed or what, but I'm not afraid. I want to fucking go to Pride. I want to go to my favorite bar and sit right by the door. I sure as shit want to tell my queer Muslim brothers and sisters that I love them. I'm afraid that people

I liked the quieter aspects of it—the stuff with Lady Crane was a beautiful way to resolve Arya's internal conflict, I thought. If Arya's "resurrection" in the books ends up being similar, I'll really enjoy reading it.

For a story whose outcome was never really in doubt, they did a good job trying to sow momentary doubt.

The "influence" goal explains it pretty adequately for me. The progressive wing of the party's been in the wilderness for a long time, making it to the convention could alter the party's trajectory in the way he intended to by running. If it were a Clinton/Obama style primary where it was just about picking between

The Doc Brown comparison was more odious than that—about building a time machine to go back to the fifties "when we didn't have to care about black people." Even Bee looked like "Fuck, that crossed a line" after she said it.

People who say D.C. is The Worst have clearly never seen Olympia.