A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I was seriously turned off by that too, but I've been trying to give her a second chance after she gave Sawant and the rest of our female city council members a platform to stand up to the stadium freaks. They (plus Jayapal !) need all the support we can give them, including against our

That was the one that made my head 360 degrees.

Sam Rockwell doing the Poltergeist remake, too.

A lot of the story awkwardness, I think, comes from this being the story of the original Warcraft: Orcs and Humans as it was told by the later games, approximately 50 retcons later. As the story was originally told (in the manual; Warcraft 1 was made when games put their story in the manual rather than the game), it

I'm banking on Arya re-embracing what he taught her in a big way, but no actual Syrio. I think he's just dead.

A tangent off your thesis that struck me while watching the remake (I binged it this weekend after reading this piece) was that the white character who stood out as having much more screen time than the others (to the point that he dominated the narrative in an uncomfortable way) was Tom Lea—perhaps he threatened

HA. "Want to see Lucy's tits?" is such a damn memorable line.

Man, I bet even in Japan that crossover movie mainly follows the boring people they're going to be slaughtering, rather than just the two of them going at it.

I dunno. In a way, I can see the argument that the Nurse Jackies and Weeds and Enlighteneds (and even Jessica Joneses) of the world treated their leads with more protagonist gloves than the Breaking Bads and Mad Mens. Can see the argument against it too, but I feel like UnREAL is happy to wallow in its brutality in a

Hmm. Given how unimpressive the last couple of episodes have been (unless they've got something up their sleeve), this might be the right time to say they should have upped Monica's role when they had the chance.

So what you're saying is we need to find a way to get Katy Perry that Left Shark trademark.

That book kept making me look forward to stuff it wasn't actually interested in doing, like Wade facing consequences for his lifestyle beyond getting a nice speech about it. The Aech thing was a great example of that—there was a potentially really interesting, conflicted character sketched out in about two paragraphs,

I was trying to figure out who Pam would hang out with, and landed on Hawkeye. Now it's starting to sound like a weirdly good idea.

I always took her the opposite way—as Daisy, Jay, Tom and even Nick embroil themselves in a self-destructive conflict, she dances just out of disaster's reach because she knows precisely who she is.

Jordan Baker's always been the life of that party.

I hope she utilizes the other Braavosi skill set she's learned.

I too miss him turning into a Total War practicing, commoner-slaughtering monster slowly dying of burns on Dragonstone and clinging to life only to spite Cersei.

Even better!

I think it may be at least partially a class thing, going off the story of the Faceless Men's founding. This is a group that was, at heart, about the faceless underclass striking back against the powerful, who in many ways derive their power from their identities. A noble girl—no matter how hardscrabble her

Doesn't it though?