A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I kinda get people struggling to Death-of-the-Author his earlier work after reading his later stuff though. Suddenly the nastier grace notes take on more prominence, and it can feel like you were bringing nuance to a work that didn't actually display it.

Wasn't that retconned back into being that a villain (I think the Red Skull) had created the Slam Bradley persona and forced it into Sam's head with some kind of Cosmic Cube whackadoo? But the tendency to turn heroes with unique stories (I always really liked Sam's backstory about his dad and his mom, and that Cap was

People who aren't Miller running with Miller's ideas is never a good plan (hell, Miller running with Miller's ideas is seldom a good plan). It's the 90's all over again in the DC cinematic universe, and we all remember how that turned out.

I loved how damn safe his "rebellion" is. Writing pop-punk in his giant room in a McMansion. What a nonconformist. The whole movie had a really fun tongue-in-cheek, but still affectionate, approach to its heroes.

Maybe she could be the new Blade's archnemisis? I didn't really think this through.

What about Teen Lady Blacula?

I liked the "You fixed her!" "Madonna fixed her" joke.The good ones are getting further apart, though.

Purple Parrots, yo! They almost never made it to the temple, but they kicked ass when they did.

Pretty Nyle. Pretty pretty pretty Nyle. I will still not be watching Dancing With the Stars, but:

Worth noting that Azzarello/Chiang run, while excellent (and frankly, I thought it engaged Marston's original themes more actively and thoughtfully than any other run in recent memory, but from a VERY different angle), is a version of Diana that many Wonder Woman superfans and historians really didn't care for.

I was hoping to find out what Juliette Lewis was like with a Latina accent. But I guess she always serves that.

Man, it's weird to see people nationwide respond to queens you know. Robbie's one of the main faces of a bar I frequent, and I've worked with (not specified to keep anonymity) the offer Seattles queens pre-Race. And in person, over an extended period? Robbie's the one who I'd single out for kindness and strength of

I think you're right about the culprit (guy who Jude personally hated, and Celine called "very punchable.") He was the one they signaled to, and he heard Jude's spiel about his father killing himself (which, that was totally a murder/coverup too, wasn't it?. Diana Rigg totally had him killed.) and the way that

There was a shot of him reacting to someone opening the door, and the weird nod the cardinals did after he left that meeting. I think we're definitely supposed to believe the church killed him.

It's right on the edge. Partly I think that '80s nostalgia isn't much a thing people want to admit to, so it's a surprise when the early '90s pop up again.

She's got the C, the T, and especially the U down cold. If she can bring the N (and thankfully, the other queens seem interested in helping bring that out in her because she's lovely rather than smothering it because she's competition) she's got this in the bag. Very different sort of vulnerability from Jinkx, but

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend/Jane the Virgin/The 100 party up in here!

I honestly don't know. I agree with you that his railing on Taylor suggests to me he gets in the car. But I felt for him really strongly a lot of the time, and hope's a funny thing. I know people who eventually rose out of worse headspaces. And at least Curt and Peter are talking sense to him now.

To me the scene with Peter echoed off the first conversation we saw between Peter and Eric. Once again, Peter was (in his own inarticulate way) begging for something, anything, to change.

Damn, how about Terri getting clocked, not for anything else, but for her PRIVATE emails with her husband? I'll fully cop to not always appreciating hearing stuff like that in a public space, but even I know that people need private, safe spaces to express frustrations like that. And after she turned into the most