A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

I'm on a listserv for theatre artists in Seattle. Generally on it you'll see auditions for lower-capacity regional theatre on there (bigger, LORT houses expect you to seek them out), film students looking for actors for their projects, and some obvious scams (even the lowest web series generally casts through talent

It was the '90s! It was wash-and-wear! Everyone was doing it!

Kim Chi apparently coined the phrase "Season Hate" when she got home. Be forewarned.

The MTQ videos were also filmed at 4:30 in the morning after the next challenge. I think she probably was just repeating the funniest things she'd said that day for the video.

You missed a serious single eyebrow raise after she said that. It absolutely was a joke.

If you check out Robbie while they're critiquing the bottom three before she's declared safe, you'll see she's holding a small plastic bag as far away from her as possible.

Can I go now?

I'm just so proud you're being you, son. Here's a hundred dollars.

It always looked like one full wall of the temple was open air, and I kept waiting for a kid to have a full-on freak out at a temple guard and toss themselves and the guard off the second story.

The comics version has also had a lot more success at healing than show!Jessica.

Add Allred and this is a list of my favorite currently working artists.

Every time a bell rings, an X-Men writer has BIG PLANS for Sunfire that never materialize.

All three characters are hits, especially with markets they're looking to be welcoming towards. How about fucking no.

Her introduction as "girl who can't stop having sex with Peter Parker" was gross, but now that she's got her own book Silk's turned into a fun character.

They'd have to be incredibly stupid not to bring him and Kamala and Sam into the MCU at some point. They've laid almost all the groundwork for her.

Eh, it gave Iron Fist something to do in a line wide event besides impersonate Daredevil poorly.

That whole thing was so stupid. Why couldn't "because Michael B. Jordan could play a great Johnny Storm and Kate Mara a great Sue Storm" be good enough for people?

She's appearing in the Luke Cage series, so I've got no doubt she'll cross over to Iron Fist. That could be a really cool way to use her, actually. Introducing her in Luke Cage before she and Danny hit it off makes it clear she's a hero in her own right (not just a more kickass love interest than usual) who they could

I don't think Eric was the one who drugged Taylor or that he had any ill intent toward Taylor but that still implies he ignored how fucked up Taylor was to have rough sex with him. That's rape.

I'm still interested in Terri (she's had some neat flashes of self awareness, like the look of revulsion on her face early on when her white friends at dinner with her felt emboldened enough by Terri's assessment to call black employees "entitled"), but the more she voices it the less interesting it is. Regina King