A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

The handwashing gesture being emphasized, to me, suggested that she hadn't unburdened herself (and to some extent recognized her guilt) even before the shooting. Between that, and some cues in Felicity Huffman's performance, I'm fairly confident Leslie's internal life is more humane than her actions (and like in

Ooh, Michael saying he felt vindicated by Taylor becoming a murderer when, as far as we know, it was his smearing of Anne that pushed Taylor over the edge. Brr.

I don't know that we have to feel bad for Leslie, but this is definitely the flip side of the Lady Macbeth/handwashing thing we talked about a few weeks ago. She's more human than we, or she, thought.

I've always felt that Harley's uncomfortably at odds with the way comics usually work. The story of her breaking free from the Joker is a really compelling one, but whenever there's a reboot or a writer struggles with how to write her independently she can be put right back to square one, and I genuinely have no

Undercover secret employee

This turned into a really nice little show by the end. Hope it comes back.

I thought Rick had the awful idea of dressing like Bucky to cheer Cap up, and Cap flipped the fuck out though. Rick's the abomination there.

Contract law is contract law, but it's still very reasonable to put pressure on Sony to release her, and to ask why they'd want to keep her under these conditions.

If anything, that many of us had dismissed her in that gendered, slut-shamey way raises the collective societal guilt quotient.

I'll be so sad if we never get to meet the D'DEL.

Newswire made them BOTH famous! We solved it!

We're getting at a real question of what it means to value non-White male narratives. Does that mean Deadpool HAS to be something bigger than he's comfortable being? Let's not be fragile about the assertion that there must be space for other sorts of characters, but must it be so zero sum? In the current climate of

Now, if the sequel pulls the trigger on making Cable and Deadpool's relationship explicitly sexual beyond a tossed off joke, we can talk about its value as a sexually challenging piece of popular entertainment. Otherwise, you're judging it on a competition it never entered.

Han Solo came from nowhere! He drew on no well-traveled traditions!

The townswomens' procession to the house, banging their pots and pans to drive out the demon, is one of my favorite moments in all of literature.

The day after "Hills Like White Elephants" was assigned was the most excited I've ever seen a high school English class to discuss something.

Seriously, I was taken aback that someone would describe it as such. The last stretch of that book is remarkably upsetting—while things might turn out materially alright for Jim, watching Huck regress and Tom turn another person's life into his self-aggrandizing entertainment is painful. The soul Huck had earned over

I mostly agree, though returning to Mockingbird after reading Watchman made Lee's writing there seem much savvier than I remembered, and you described. There's an understanding of how deeply limited Scout's point of view is, and the suggestion that Jem's learning some scarier truths and that some of the things Atticus

It's silly to say GSaW diminishes Lee's legacy, though. If anything, it clarifies Mockingbird and confirms some of the more complex and thoughtful readings of it.

Connor Jessup on Lili Taylor, specifically her work in that last scene: "Lili says this all the time, that people don't react to things the way you think they do. … People, especially when they're dealing with grief or pain or trauma, they don't react the way TV insists they do."